Evolution of Personality

  • Created by: Caitlinl
  • Created on: 24-05-17 15:52
What are the proximate explanations of personality?
Happens within the lifetime of the individual, often in the body of the individual - brain structures, functions, hormones and neurotransmission - explains HOW these affect personality
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What are the ultimate explanations of personality?
Evolutionary processes across many generations; explains why certain factors led to increased survival and reproduction in our ancestors; explains WHY individual differences occur
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What is Grand Theory?
Broad, comprehensive ideas that can't be directly tested; not possible to form specific hypotheses
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What is Middle Level Theory?
More specific and focused on a small aspect of grand theory; can form hypotheses from the theories
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What is Frequency Dependent Selection?
Different beh strategies are adaptive depending on what other individuals are doing
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What did Linda Mealey have to say about FDS?
Psychopathy is a personality trait operating on freq. dependent continuum; psychopathy - exploitative and manipulative -benefits from other people; more reproductive succes
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What is the link between life history decisions and plasticity?
Key events due to evolutionary mechanisms that are sensitive to local conditions (puberty, 1st reproduction, parental investment)
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What are the features of life history decisions and plasticity?
Maximising lifetime reproductive success (Enviro fitness); mortality rate (higher indicator pf ecological conditions and environmental unpredictability
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How does plasticity become a thing through life history theory?
Unpredictable environment during reproduction = plasticity
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What is slow life history strategy?
K strategy (Longer maturation period before kids, less offspring, more parental care)
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What is fast life history strategy?
R strategy - early maturation, more offspring and lower parental care
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What did Adriaenssens (2017) find?
Fish that grew faster produced more offspring and faster, were bolder and travelled further
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Uncertain and harsh environments result in individual differences in what?
Mating decisions (timing of puberty and childbirth, no. of sexual partners - fast), risk taking beh; crime and aggression and insecure romantic attachment
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What did Jokela et al (2011) find?
Higher E and O and lower N = more kids in both sexes
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What did Alvergne et al (2010) find?
E in men in polygymy = more kids
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What did Jokela (2010) find?
Higher E and serial monogamy in men = more kids
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What did Perrin and John (1997) find?
Personality is distinctive behavioural patterns across time and situations - animals have consistent and stable beh variations e.g. boldness/shyness
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How is personality complexity and environmental demands linked?
Similar to personality traits in humans
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What must be avoided in personality studies of animals?
Anthropomorphism - call it behavioural syndromes
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What did Gosling do?
Developed sound, reliable methods that avoid anthropomorphism
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What is a disadvantage of this?
Low reliability
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Other cards in this set

Card 2


What are the ultimate explanations of personality?


Evolutionary processes across many generations; explains why certain factors led to increased survival and reproduction in our ancestors; explains WHY individual differences occur

Card 3


What is Grand Theory?


Preview of the front of card 3

Card 4


What is Middle Level Theory?


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Card 5


What is Frequency Dependent Selection?


Preview of the front of card 5
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