Evaluate the reasons for the changing patterns of marriage and cohabitation.

  • Created by: danbot77
  • Created on: 23-04-21 15:21
What is one stat for the change in marriage and what sociologist gave a reason for it?
Marriage in England and Wales decreased by a third in the last 50 years.
Fletcher: People have a "starry-eyed" ideal for marriage, less likely to marry as people may not be worthy.
Feminists: changing role of women.
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What is one stat for the change in marriage and what sociologist gave a reason for it?
(New Right)
30% of marriages are religious ceremonies.
Secularisation- less religious value in marriage meaning people don't want to get married as much.
Gernsheim: people have more choice so will be less likely to marry.
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What is one stat for the change in marriage and what sociologist gave a reason for it?
Age of people getting married increased by 8 since 1971.
Changing role of women, prioritising career, more financial independence, less need to be married.
Morgan: people want to live off welfare state to develop dependency culture.
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What is one stat for the change in marriage and what sociologist gave a reason for it?
1/3 of marriages have one/two members who have already married.
Beck: "risk society" people take chances to do their own thing, remarry to find their own way in life.
Parsons: Family has lost its functions, marriage not needed.
4 of 8
What is one stat for the change in cohabitation and what sociologist gave a reason for it?
More couples are cohabiting than officially marrying.
Parsons: less functions in the family, marriage less of a necessity.
Gernsheim: individualisation, people can choose more and will do what's most convenient to them.
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What is one stat for the change in cohabitation and what sociologist gave a reason for it?
(New Right)
8 in 10 marriages in 2010 had both partners register same address.
Morgan: secularisation, people hold less religious values, care less for the fact this would've been a sin.
Feminists: Changing role of women, less pressure to marry.
6 of 8
What is one stat for the change in cohabitation and what sociologist gave a reason for it?
1 in 6 adults are cohabitating.
Feminists: Women can avoid complexities with breakups like custody of children.
Gernsheim: cohabitation is a "stepping stone to marriage" people actually just trying out what it would be like.
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What is one stat for the change in cohabitation and what sociologist gave a reason for it?
General increase in cohabitation since the 1960's.
Beck-Gernsheim: Confluent love, look for "next big thing", will "trial" relationships to see if they work together in terms of division of housework etc.
New Right: Secularisation is to blame!
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Card 2


What is one stat for the change in marriage and what sociologist gave a reason for it?
(New Right)


30% of marriages are religious ceremonies.
Secularisation- less religious value in marriage meaning people don't want to get married as much.
Gernsheim: people have more choice so will be less likely to marry.

Card 3


What is one stat for the change in marriage and what sociologist gave a reason for it?


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Card 4


What is one stat for the change in marriage and what sociologist gave a reason for it?


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Card 5


What is one stat for the change in cohabitation and what sociologist gave a reason for it?


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