
What is euthanasia?
Ending someones life on purpose to relive suffering
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What does euthanasia mean?
good death
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what is active euthanasia ?
purposely ending a life eg, overdose of a drug
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What is passive euthanasia ?
when medication or food is withdrawn leading to the death of a patient
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What is assisted suicide?
when a person asks for help to die and is given it
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What is voluntary euthanasia ?
when the person who is to die requests help to die
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What is non-voluntary euthanasia?
when someone is unable to make their own decisions or choices so someone else makes the best decision for them.
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Why do some Christians support euthanasia?
in the bible it says "love your neighbour" which means to do the most loving action
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Why do some Christians disagree with euthanasia?
in the bible it says "your body is a temple, so you should not destroy it" this means theat God has made everyone's life scared and gave us "sancity of life"
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Other cards in this set

Card 2


What does euthanasia mean?


good death

Card 3


what is active euthanasia ?


Preview of the front of card 3

Card 4


What is passive euthanasia ?


Preview of the front of card 4

Card 5


What is assisted suicide?


Preview of the front of card 5
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