Ethics- Religion and Equality

  • Created by: Jessica
  • Created on: 14-11-12 18:03
what is prejudice?
too pre-judge or have a bad opinion about someones without good reason
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what does equality mean?
the same status, rights and responsibilities for all members of a society
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what quote in the Qur'an says everyone is family?
"All God's creatures are His family."
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what quote in the Qur'an says everyone is equal?
"All people are equal..., as the teeth of a comb."
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what quote teaches Muslims they shouldn't judge on outward appearance?
"Allah does not look upon your outward appearance, he looks upon your heart and year deeds."
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what quote teaches Muslims not to be sexist?
"whether male or female,whoever in faith does a good work for the sake of God will be granted a good life."
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what is discrimination?
acting on prejudice treating someone unfairly or stopping them from ding something because of prejudice
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what are the reasons for people being prejudice or discriminating?
ignorance, if you don't know or understand a group of people you can stereotype. Fear, they could feel threatened by a group of people that is different. upbringing, been taught by parents ect.
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key event in history that shows discrimination?
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meaning of Islam?
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what does niyyah mean?
intentions. You have to do things for the right reasons
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meaning of the phrase human rights?
those rights to which every human being is entitled to
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what does ummah mean?
community of Islam
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why should people be treated equally?
"everyone is created from a single soul."
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what is a muezzin?
a person that calls people to prayer
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what is the story of Bilal?
Muhammad asked Bilal to be the first muessin and call the Adhan. This was controversial because Bilal was a black slave, it showed Muhammad being equal and being the perfect example of Islam.
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what is the Adhan?
the song they use to call people to prayer
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what is piety?
being a good Muslim
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quote that shows everyone is the same status?
"An Arab is not better than a non-arab and a non-arab is not better than a black person, nor is a black person better than a white person except by piety and good action."
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who is Malcolm x?
he was racially discriminated and so joined the Nation of Islam, they believe that black and white people should be equal but separated. he went on a pilgrimage to mecca where his views changed to integrated and equal for all, but agreed with violenc
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why is he called Malcolm "x"?
His previous name was little which would have been his slave owners names, he didn't like this so changed it
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what is the Race Relation Act?
the law that makes it unlawful to discriminate against anyone on ground of race
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what does Islamaphobia mean?
being scared of Muslims or hating them
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what is a Jihad?
to struggle in the way of Allah
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why is Khadijah influential in Islam?
Khadijah proposed and married Muhammad, this was unheard of. She was a successful business woman. she is a role model to Muslim women
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what is the Burqa?
a full-length, loose fitting garment that only leaves the hand and feet uncovered
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what is a Hijab?
a scarf that covers the hair, chest and shoulders
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what is a Niqub?
a veil cover the face, only leaving the eyes
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quote that shows equality in men and women's dress?
"say to believing men that they should lower their gaze and gard their modesty;... and say to the believing women that they should lower their gaze and guard their modesty."
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what quote in the Qur'an says the mother role is good?
"paradise lies at the feet of your mother."
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what is Hajj?
Pilgrimage to Mecca
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what does Multi-faith mean?
many different religions living together in one society
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what is religious freedom?
the right to practice your religion and change your religion
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what is religious pluralism?
accepting all religions as having an equal right to co-exist
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what is a convert?
a person who has been persuaded to change their religion faith or other beliefs
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what is a conversion?
when someone becomes a follower of a particular religion
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what is coerce?
persuading (an unwilling person) to do something by using force or threats
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what is fitrah?
the instinctive knowledge that Islam is the right way to paradise
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what is a revert?
someone reverting back to Islam and the way Allah wanted them to be
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who is Isa?
a great prophet but not the son of God. Allah is one and he has no sons
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what quote says that people shouldn't be forced into religion?
"let there be no compulsion in religion."
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who will Allah forgive?
people that realize they are wrong and who pray for forgiveness.
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what is shari'ah?
the law which all Muslims should abide by
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what might not be forgiven by some Muslims and why?
people who are working against Islam or those who are denying Islamic principles
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what quote says your mother is the most important in the family?
"a man asked Muhammad who was the most important in the family and he replied your mother, your mother, your mother, your mother and then your farther."
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Other cards in this set

Card 2


what does equality mean?


the same status, rights and responsibilities for all members of a society

Card 3


what quote in the Qur'an says everyone is family?


Preview of the front of card 3

Card 4


what quote in the Qur'an says everyone is equal?


Preview of the front of card 4

Card 5


what quote teaches Muslims they shouldn't judge on outward appearance?


Preview of the front of card 5
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