establishing and consolidating rule in the GDR, 1949-61

class struggle
conflict between working class and middle class
1 of 13
Eastern bloc
name given to the Eastern European 'satellite' states that were allied to the USSR
2 of 13
ministry for state security(stasi)
system of surveillance
3 of 13
democratic centralism
claims democracy is achieved by the people giving a central government the authority to make decisions
4 of 13
Ulbricht group
group of german communists who were trained in the USSR to prepare for the spread of communism after the Second World War
5 of 13
the state taking over the ownership of business
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wealthy german aristocrats who owned large areas of land
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the takeover of privately owned farms by the state, joined together
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a major street in East Berlin that was the propaganda showpiece and memorial to Stalin
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'border assailants' who attempted to flee across the Berlin Wall
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peaceful co-existance
emphasised the need to avoid the dangers of nuclear war by co-operating with the west
11 of 13
peoples enterprise(VEB)
nationalised factory and industrial centre that was run by the government
12 of 13
warsaw pact
military alliance of Eastern European communist states led by the USSR
13 of 13

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Card 2


name given to the Eastern European 'satellite' states that were allied to the USSR


Eastern bloc

Card 3


system of surveillance


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Card 4


claims democracy is achieved by the people giving a central government the authority to make decisions


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Card 5


group of german communists who were trained in the USSR to prepare for the spread of communism after the Second World War


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