ESS unit 1 key definitions

  • Created by: linaammar
  • Created on: 22-11-19 13:21
puts ecology and nature center to humanity- humans are a part of nature rather than control it.
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Believe humans must sustainably manage the global systems
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Believes that technological improvements can provide solutions to environmental problems
3 of 20
Deep ecologists
Put more value on nature than humanity. They believe in biorights
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Self reliance soft ecologists
Mainly ecocentric but with some anthropocentric elements
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See the world as having infinite ressources to benefit humanity
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An assemblage of parts and their relationships forming a functioning entity or whole
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Open system
System that exchanges matter and energy
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Closed system
System that exchanges only energy
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System that exchanges neither matter nor energy
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Simply move energy or matter from one place to another
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Move energy and matter but in the process of doing so there is a change in state or form
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1st law of thermodynamics
Energy cannot be created or destroyed in an isolated system
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2nd law of thermodynamics
Entropy of a system increases over time
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Negative feedback
Promotes stability in a system as it reverses the change and returns the system to the original state of equilibrium
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Positive feedback
A feedback that leads to increasing change in a system - it accelerates deviation. So a small disturbance in the system causes an increase in that disturbance
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The ability of a system to "bounce back" after a disturbance
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Tipping point
When a system is pushed past the point of returning to its original state
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A state of balance between parts of a system
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Static equilibrium
No changes over time .
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Card 2


Believe humans must sustainably manage the global systems



Card 3


Believes that technological improvements can provide solutions to environmental problems


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Card 4


Put more value on nature than humanity. They believe in biorights


Preview of the back of card 4

Card 5


Mainly ecocentric but with some anthropocentric elements


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