
number of reactions an enzyme molecule can catalyse per second
turnover number
1 of 11
molecule altered by enzyme catalysed reaction
2 of 11
indented area on the surface of the enzyme molecule with a complementary shape to the substrate molecule
active site
3 of 11
metabolites broken down to smaller molecules to release energy
catabolic pathway
4 of 11
energy used to synthesise larger molecules from smaller ones
5 of 11
substance that has to be present to ensure the enzyme-catalysed reaction takes place at an appropriate rate
6 of 11
a cofactor that is permanently bound by covalent bonds to an enzyme molecule
prosthetic group
7 of 11
complex formed by temporary binding of enzyme and substrate molecules during an enzyme-catalysed reaction
enzyme-substrate complex
8 of 11
small, inorganic, non protein molecules that bind temporarily to the active site of enzyme molecules at a similar time to the substrate
9 of 11
enzyme molecule with the product molecule in its active (the two are joined by non covalent forces)
enzyme-product complex
10 of 11
enzyme molecule with the substrate molecule in its active (the two are joined by non covalent forces)
enzyme-substrate complex
11 of 11

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Card 2


molecule altered by enzyme catalysed reaction



Card 3


indented area on the surface of the enzyme molecule with a complementary shape to the substrate molecule


Preview of the front of card 3

Card 4


metabolites broken down to smaller molecules to release energy


Preview of the front of card 4

Card 5


energy used to synthesise larger molecules from smaller ones


Preview of the front of card 5
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