ENVS2- General quiz

General quiz for the AQA exam 'the physical environment'.

  • Created by: RhysWall
  • Created on: 25-04-12 14:32

1. Why does temperature decrease with altitude in the troposphere?

  • It is heated from below by IR radiation
  • It is heated from below by UV radiation
  • Winds are stronger higher up, so heat is dispersed quicker
  • Because atmospheric pressure and temperature correlate positively
1 of 5

Other questions in this quiz

2. Which layer of the atmosphere do we live in?

  • Stratosphere
  • Mesosphere
  • Troposphere
  • Thermosphere

3. Greenhouse gases are all different strengths. They are compared by analysing their GWP (global warming potential). Carbon dioxide has a GWP of 1. What is the GWP of methane?

  • 25,000
  • 25
  • 2000
  • 5,600

4. State two reasons for global sea level rise.

  • Melting land ice and thermal expansion
  • Storm surges and the abnormal gravitational pull of the moon
  • Melting sea ice and anomalous expansion
  • Large numbers of overweight tourists going swimming in the sea

5. What is a batholith?

  • Rocks changes with intense heat and pressure, but without fully melting
  • Processes or deposits associated with water
  • A large underground mass of solidified molten magma
  • The rock particles left exposed after weathering


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