Unit 1: Adaptions to Abiotic Factors

  • Created by: rosieevie
  • Created on: 02-05-14 14:55
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  • Adaptions to Abiotic Factors
    • Temperature
      • Low temperatures freeze cells
        • Birds and mammals respire to generate heat
      • High temperatures denature proteins
        • Some bacteria survive at over 110 degrees
      • Enzymes function within a temperature range
      • Fluctuating temperatures cause problems
        • Lizards sunbathe and hibernate
    • Light
      • Plants have evolves certain pigments to absorb light
        • Woodland floor plans have evolved red and blue pigments to make the most of light
    • pH
      • Enzyme damage to low or high pHs occurs in organisms with exposed tissues/roots
        • Cowslip live in alkaline chalk soils
        • Lichens cannot surive acidic conditions
    • Water
      • Specific requirements for breeding or those who lose water
    • Turbulence/ Physical Damage
      • Some species well adapted to survive turbulent conditions
        • Brown seaweed coated with mucus and flexible


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