Environmental studies water treatment (AQA)

Name the 8 treatments water goes through to be suitable to drink
Screens, Sedimentation, Aeration, Flocculation, Filters, Activated carbon treatment, Sterilisation, Fluoridation
1 of 10
Describe what happens in the process: Screens
A metal mesh is used to remove any floating vegitation in the water
2 of 10
Describe what happens in the process: Sedimentation
The water is allowed to settle which allows any floating debris not removed from the screens to settle
3 of 10
Describe what happens in the process: Aeration
Water is aerated to allow for a high oxygen content in the water this will remove bad smells
4 of 10
Describe what happens in the process: Flocculation
Flocculants are added to the water to remove clay particles
5 of 10
Describe what happens in the process: Filtration
Filters are used to remove any remaining suspended solids and bacteria
6 of 10
Describe what happens in the process: Activated Carbon Treatment
Particles of activated carbon are used to remove pesticides
7 of 10
Describe what happens in the process: Sterilisation
Chlorine or ozone is added to the water or it is exposed to UV to remouve pathogens
8 of 10
Describe what happens in the process: Fluoridation
Fluorine is added to the water to improve dental health of the people drinking the water
9 of 10
What other treatments will sea water need to undergo to be suitable for drinking?
Reverse osmosis: moving water at high pressure through a partially permeable membrane, Distillation: Boil the water and reduce pressure, condensation is then collected.
10 of 10

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Card 2


A metal mesh is used to remove any floating vegitation in the water


Describe what happens in the process: Screens

Card 3


The water is allowed to settle which allows any floating debris not removed from the screens to settle


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Card 4


Water is aerated to allow for a high oxygen content in the water this will remove bad smells


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Card 5


Flocculants are added to the water to remove clay particles


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