Entropy and equilibria

How can the entropy of a protein be altered?
Breaking the protein increases the ΔS as there is an increase in the number of ways you can arrange the system.
1 of 10
Define 'Denaturation'
The conversion of an ordered protein into a disordered one.
2 of 10
Give an equation for K of a gas being dissolved in water
K = a_aq *a^-1_g = (c_s/c。) *(p。/p_s) ] where c_s/p_s = concentration/pressure of substance;
3 of 10
State an equation with G,Q and K
Δ_rG = -RTln(K/Q)
4 of 10
Describe a weak acids
Partially dissociates in water.
5 of 10
Give an expression for K_a
K_a = a_H *a_A*a^-1_HA ~~ [H+][A-]/[HA]c。
6 of 10
What is the relationship between K_a and acidity level of a substance?
The lower the K_a the lower the acidity of the solution.
7 of 10
How is pH calculated?
pH = - log_10 [H+]
8 of 10
What is assumed when working out solid solubility?
The activity of the solid is = ONE with dilute ions, an ideal solution is created
9 of 10
Give an expression for K_sp e.g for Cu_3(PO_4)_2 (s)
k_sp = (a_Cu^2+)^3(a_PO_4^3-)^2(a_solid)^-1 = [Cu^2+][PO_4^3-]/c。^5
10 of 10

Other cards in this set

Card 2


Define 'Denaturation'


The conversion of an ordered protein into a disordered one.

Card 3


Give an equation for K of a gas being dissolved in water


Preview of the front of card 3

Card 4


State an equation with G,Q and K


Preview of the front of card 4

Card 5


Describe a weak acids


Preview of the front of card 5
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