English Language

Terminology test, great words to use in the exam that will get you lots of marks but are a pain to learn

  • Created by: Sarah
  • Created on: 21-05-10 10:05

1. What is an adjective?

  • a word that tells us more about a verb, adverb or adjective
  • word that decribes a noun
  • A verb placed infron of a main verb
1 of 5

Other questions in this quiz

2. Acommodation is

  • the way in which we pronounce words
  • a theory that suggest we adjust out speech to accomadate the person we are adressing
  • A form of a verb that enables the use of other verbs easily

3. Ameloration does what

  • Changes the meaning of a word so its more positive
  • Changes the meaning of a word so its more negative

4. Anaphoric reference is a word that refers back to another part of the text

  • True
  • False

5. An adverb is

  • a word that tells us more about a verb, adverb or adjective
  • a word that decribes a noun
  • A group of letters froming part of a word




Wow, love the questionnaire :3



How can an adverb be a word that describes an adverb....?

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