Empire Strikes Back

Nuclear Weapons
Nuclear Weapons
1 of 133
What are the classical ideas of deterrent?
Based on Rational Actor Model, states manage interests strategically, overseeing a balance of power is crucial for peace
2 of 133
What does Thomas Schelling (1966) believe military strategy now incorporate?
Art of coercion, intimidation and deterrence
3 of 133
How does Sauer (2011) believe nuclear weapons should be used / not used?
Not weapons to be used, but to prevent enemy from attacking vital interests
4 of 133
What is Existential Deterrence?
It is the existence of nukes that deters
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What is Extended Deterrence (NATO)?
Commitment to use nukes to defend allies
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What is Massive Retaliation (Eisenhower)?
All out retaliation, regardless of size of initial attack
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What is Flexible Response / Escalation Dominance (Kennedy)?
FR - Ability to act at various levels to deny enemy confidence to win, ED - Relies on nuclear superiority on every level to win outright
8 of 133
What country is an example of Minimum Deterrence?
United Kingdom
9 of 133
What was the 2018 Trident Juncture?
The largest nuclear training exercise
10 of 133
What delegitimises the use of nuclear weapons with NATO?
Shift in political elites in western Europe towards denuclearisation, public concerns and pacifist movements
11 of 133
What does Kenneth Waltz think should happen with nukes?
There should be more of them around the world
12 of 133
What does the Mutually Assured Destruction (MAD) principle mean for war?
War will become obsolete
13 of 133
What has followed since the Cold War regarding warfare?
'Long Peace'
14 of 133
What is Scott Sagan's argument against nuclear weapons?
'How do we explain when things go wrong'
15 of 133
What is the argument against missile defences?
Those states might be more willing to use their nukes
16 of 133
What problems have occurred post-cold war?
Rise of non-state actors, horizontal spread of nukes, deterrence seen as less viable
17 of 133
Why is terrorism such an issue around the topic of nukes?
They go beyond the Rational Actor Model
18 of 133
How does the Just War Theory link to nukes?
Nukes are justified in extreme circumstances (WW2), paradoxically saves lives
19 of 133
What are some examples of arms control / reduction?
1970 Treaty on the Non-Proliferation of Nuclear Weapons, 2010 START Treaty
20 of 133
What are some threats surrounding nukes?
Nuclear horizontal proliferation, terrorism, failed or rogue states, missile defences, miscommunication / accidents
21 of 133
When did North Korea join the Nuclear Non-Proliferation Treaty?
22 of 133
When did the International Atomic Energy Agency accuse North Korea of breaking the treaty?
23 of 133
When is North Korea called an 'axis of evil' along with over countries by George Bush?
24 of 133
When did North Korea leave the Nuclear Non-Proliferation Treaty?
25 of 133
When did North Korea announce it has secretly been building nukes?
26 of 133
When did talks between the US and NK break down after years of sanctions?
27 of 133
When was the latest Strategic Arms Reduction Treaty introduced which replaced the 1991 treaty?
28 of 133
How many missiles does this limit each country to?
29 of 133
When does the treaty expire?
2021 (Option to extend to 2026)
30 of 133
Which country is China copying with regards to their nuclear program?
Soviet Union
31 of 133
Humanitarian Intervention
Humanitarian Intervention
32 of 133
What does Vincent define HI as?
Activity which interferes in domestic affairs of another state
33 of 133
What does Holzgrefe define HI as?
The threat of force to prevent violation of human rights without the permission of the state
34 of 133
What are the 2 problems with HI?
Norm to not intervene in International Society, HI the hardest test for an International society built on Sovereignty, non-intervention and non-use of force
35 of 133
What does 2.4 of the UN charter say about HI?
All members shall refrain from use of force against the territorial integrity or political independence of any state
36 of 133
What does 2.7 of the UN charter say about HI?
Nothing contained in the charter shall authorise the UN to intervene in matters which are essentially within the domestic jurisdiction of any states
37 of 133
What does 1.3 of the UN charter say about HI?
Promoting and encouraging respect for human rights and for fundamental freedoms
38 of 133
What is a restrictionist view of HI?
Aside from self defence no exception to 2.4 of the UN charter
39 of 133
What is a counter-restrictionist view of HI?
Protection of human rights HI is customary International law
40 of 133
What year was Blair Doctrine of International Community?
41 of 133
What does sovereignty as a responsibility mean?
Failure to maintain leads to loss of sovereignty
42 of 133
What are the 7 problems of HI?
No basis in international law, humanitarian reasons, life of soldiers, pursuit of national interests, selectivity, views of international society, mixed record
43 of 133
When was the Bosnia genocide (An example of poor intervention)
44 of 133
What year did the UN fail to prevent the Rwanda genocide?
45 of 133
Who did the UN not protect in 2014?
46 of 133
During the cold war, Pakistan (1971), central African Republic (1979) and Cambodia (1978), were all intervened on the justification of what?
'Self Defence'
47 of 133
What factors have led to an increase in HI post cold war?
End of superpower rivalry (No risk of escalation), increase in public pressure, expansion of security concerns, 1988-1993 20 new missions, an increase in budget
48 of 133
What was the budget for peacekeepers in 1988?
$230 million
49 of 133
What was the budget for peacekeepers in the 1990s?
$800m - $1.6 billion
50 of 133
What country is an example of too much too soon HI?
Kosovo 1999 (Airstrikes and civilian casualties)
51 of 133
What country is an example of too little too late HI?
Rwanda 1994 (Non-intervention and genocide)
52 of 133
When was the Responsibility to Protect Report released?
53 of 133
In the report who is secondary responsibility for protecting human rights?
International Community
54 of 133
Who was a recent example of HI in 2011?
Ivory Coast
55 of 133
How many civilians were without food, water and electricity due to fighting?
4 million
56 of 133
How many men did France authorise into Ivory Coast?
57 of 133
When did Ivory Coast gain independence from France?
58 of 133
The Nature of War
The Nature of War
59 of 133
Clausewitz says war is unchanging however what part of war is changing?
The character
60 of 133
What is the nature of war?
What differentiates it from other social events
61 of 133
What is the character of war?
How it manifests in the real world
62 of 133
When is 'modern war' said to begin?
After the 30 year war (1618 - 1648)
63 of 133
What is modern war defined by?
Centralised states, nationalism, rise in population, science and industrial revolutions, secular ideologies
64 of 133
What are parts of a post-modern war?
Outsourcing, erosion of national identities, irregular and asymetric warfare, role of media
65 of 133
Why do wars occur?
Proximate causes, underlying causes (Human nature, issues internal to the state, structure of the International system
66 of 133
Why does the international system lead to war?
Anarchy, war a final arbiter of disputes, states act in self interest, international organisations, alliances
67 of 133
Leashing the Dogs of War
Leashing the Dogs of War
68 of 133
If war is described as a social phenomenom what is it constrained by?
Social forces
69 of 133
What is St Thomas Aquinas justifications for war?
Must be for a good purpose, waged by a proper authority, peace the main motive for war
70 of 133
What is Jus ad Bellum?
War as a last resort, fought by legitimate authority, redress a wrong, reasonable chance of success, aim to establish peace better than status quo
71 of 133
What is Jus in Bello?
Between combatants and non-combatants, civilians never permissable targets, exceptions such as military target in civilian area BUT human shields? where to draw the line?
72 of 133
What are some issues with Jus in Bello?
Escalation, grey area of joint civilian and military installations
73 of 133
What is Jus Post Bellum?
Victor still has obligation after war, surrender terms proportionate, no revenge, all sides crimes investigated, rebuild?
74 of 133
When was the International Committee of the Red Cross established?
75 of 133
When was the Geneva Convention on the treatment of the wounded?
76 of 133
When was the St Petersburg Declaration renouncing the use of explosive projectiles under 400 grams?
77 of 133
Why do Realists believe International Laws have little effect on state behaviour?
Assumption of states being self-interested and power-maximising
78 of 133
Why do most believe this is true despite states maintaining laws most of the time?
Perception between international and domestic, focus on the breach of laws
79 of 133
Why do states obey laws?
Law facilitates not prohibits, compliance through - coercion, self-interest, legitimacy, shared rules is how we achieve shared goals
80 of 133
81 of 133
During the French Revolution whats becomes the driving force of politics and war?
Ideology and nationalism
82 of 133
What radical changes occurred before Napoleon?
'Nations in arms', conscription, creation of the 'corp' by Lazar Carnot (Self-contained mini-army)
83 of 133
What are the 2 kinds of war according to Clausewitz?
1. Overthrow the enemy 2. Occupy or annex them for bargaining at peace negotiations
84 of 133
What does Clausewitz think war is a continuation of?
Politics. By other means
85 of 133
What 3 things leads to war becoming its absolute form?
Reciprocal action, collision and loss of control, resistance from the enemy
86 of 133
When considering war as a 'rational calculus' Clausewitz claims war is controlled by its political objective. What must you do to this political objective?
Value it to determine the sacrifices to be made
87 of 133
What are the 3 parts of the Trinity?
The people, commander and his army, government
88 of 133
If war is a part of policy what will policy control in war?
Its character (How its manifests in the real world)
89 of 133
As policy becomes more ambitious so will war. What form of war can this lead to?
90 of 133
What is friction?
What makes war on paper different from real war
91 of 133
What does Clausewitz think of information and intelligence in war?
Sceptical to any information gathered by spies
92 of 133
What does Clausewitz refer to as genius?
Psychological factors that are relevant in war, 'intellect' which permits the commander to see beyond the 'fog of war'
93 of 133
What are the criticisms of Clausewitz?
Absolute war (WW2), impact of nukes, Clausewitzian war now obsolete, new and old wars debate (State-centric, absolute force, total mobilisation)
94 of 133
What are the parts of the centre of gravity?
Strength and situation of the enemy, government and the people, political sympathies of other states
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What does Clausewitz describe the centre of gravity as?
The hub of all power and movement, on which all depends.. the point against which all our energies should be directed
96 of 133
Sun Tzu
Sun Tzu
97 of 133
What are the key principles of Sun Tzu?
Victory without fighting, avoid strength/attack weaknesses, deception, speed and preparation, prepare the battlefield, character-based leadership, harmony between fighters and the people
98 of 133
What are the 5 kinds of spies?
Local spies, inward spies (officials of the enemy), converted spies, doomed spies (allow spies to report to the enemy for deception), surviving spies (bring back news from the enemy camp)
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What does Sun Tzu claim all warfare is based on?
100 of 133
Why should war be short?
To avoid burdens on the state
101 of 133
If you can't attack an enemies strategy what should you do?
Attack his alliances, or his army or (worst case) his cities
102 of 133
Like Clausewitz what does Sun Tzu believe war needs to depend on?
The broader aims of politics
103 of 133
Revolutionary Warfare
Revolutionary Warfare
104 of 133
What new changes and threats have changed war?
Nukes, globalisation, liberal world order, internet, terrorism
105 of 133
How does an insurgency differ from terrorism?
They differ in degree of support and scale of means
106 of 133
What does conventional have as a focal point?
107 of 133
What does unconventional war focus on?
All levels of society
108 of 133
When was T.E Lawrence and the Arab revolt?
109 of 133
What are the 3 tenets?
Algebra (physical environment), Biology (value of life), psychology (Legitimacy / support)
110 of 133
When was Mao Zedong and the Chinese Revolution?
111 of 133
How did Mao Zedong differ from Lawrence?
Killing/capturing enemy a goal, guerillas would later become armies, terror tactics
112 of 133
What was the main link of Mao Zedong to Clausewitz?
The emphasise of the relationship between war and politics
113 of 133
When was Che Guevara and the Cuban Revolution?
114 of 133
How do you protect yourself from insurgency?
Location (Defeat them quickly / know the terrain), Isolation (Internal and external support must be denied / diffuse political message), Eradication (Target safe havens / ensure numbers / commitment over long periods of time)
115 of 133
The War on Terror
The War on Terror
116 of 133
When was the first war on terror?
1986 - airstrikes against Qaddafi's and Libya
117 of 133
What occurred in 1993 to mark the start of the second war on terror?
Bombing of the world trade centre
118 of 133
What year were US facilities bombed in Riyadh?
119 of 133
What year were US facilities bombed in Dhahran?
120 of 133
In what 2 countries were there US embassy bombings in 1998?
Kenya and Tanzania
121 of 133
After the 1993 bombing what was terrorism classed as?
A crime
122 of 133
What year was there a Bin Laden unit in the CIA?
123 of 133
What was Bush's approach to terrorism before 9/11?
Sceptical - Criticised Clinton / focused on great power politics
124 of 133
What date did Ronald Rumsfeld order the Joint Chief of Staff to draw up military options after 9/11?
September 12th
125 of 133
When was Bush's speech with 'Bullhorn remarks?'
14th September 2001
126 of 133
What was within the Weinberger / Powell doctrine?
Overwhelming force defined political and military objective, assess necessity of force, reasonable assurance of public and congressional support
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What was within the Rumsfeld doctrine?
'Shock and awe' to replace overwhelming force, high tech, light military, network-centric warfare,
128 of 133
What was the Joint chief of staffs plan for Afghan (13th - 15 September)?
Cruise missile attacks, longer bombing campaign, large scale invasion
129 of 133
What was the CIA plan?
US airpower, Soldier of Fortune teams, Afghan local allies
130 of 133
What was contained in the Bush Doctrine in 2002?
'Axis of evil', link between terrorism and rogue states pursuing WOMAD
131 of 133
When did the level of violence begin to decrease under Obama?
132 of 133
What were the 3 points of the white paper for targeting with drones?
Target is deemed a threat to the US, capture is not feasible, operation is in accordance with laws of war
133 of 133

Other cards in this set

Card 2


What are the classical ideas of deterrent?


Based on Rational Actor Model, states manage interests strategically, overseeing a balance of power is crucial for peace

Card 3


What does Thomas Schelling (1966) believe military strategy now incorporate?


Preview of the front of card 3

Card 4


How does Sauer (2011) believe nuclear weapons should be used / not used?


Preview of the front of card 4

Card 5


What is Existential Deterrence?


Preview of the front of card 5
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