Elizabeth: economy

  • Created by: mpmb
  • Created on: 07-05-23 14:49
When did the cloth trade in the netherlands start to decline?
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Where did the main cloth markets move to
northern netherlands
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Where did trade increase
Ottoman Empire
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what company was set up in 1555
Muscovy company: failed to compete with dutch
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what company was set up in 1579
the eastland company: failed
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what company was set up in 1581
the levant company: more successful with establishing trade with the ottoman empire
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what company was set up in 1600
east india company: difficulty with competing with dutch in short term
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why did landowners benefit from economic trends
dissolution of church property led to large landowners buying up land cheaply and reselling at a knock down price
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was trade successful
hard to determine
yes: evidence of shipbuilding
no: the cloth trade and new markets slow in being established
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which towns declined
stanford, winchester
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which towns continued to improve
york + norwich
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which towns had development for new urban settlement
manchester + plymouth
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what years were the harvest failure
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what levels were the wages in 1594 in comparison to 1587
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when was the subsistence crisis
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which were the poorest counties
north and the west midlands
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which counties were more prosperous
somerset, norfolk, suffolk, gloustershire and wiltshire
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what was the poor law act
1572: first attempt to create a national system and established the principle that local ratepayers should have to pay a rate to fund the poor in their area
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what years were the poor law acts put in place
1598 and 1601
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act 1597
undeserving poor should be whipped and returned to the parish of origin. repeat offenders could be executed
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Other cards in this set

Card 2


Where did the main cloth markets move to


northern netherlands

Card 3


Where did trade increase


Preview of the front of card 3

Card 4


what company was set up in 1555


Preview of the front of card 4

Card 5


what company was set up in 1579


Preview of the front of card 5
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