Eisenhower: Foreign Policy

The Suez Crisis of 1956 involved who mainly??
Egypt, Israel, UK and France
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Gamal Abdul Nasser was responsible for doing what, causing the Suez Crisis?
Nationalising the Suez Canal
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The Suez Crisis resulted in multiple sanctions towards the UK and France. What did it result for the USA?
Development of the Eisenhower Doctrine
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The Arms Race began when the Soviets tested their first atomic bomb. When was this?
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The US and Soviet Union tested both tested what in 1957?
Inter Continental Ballistic Missile
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The American People lived in fear of Nuclear Annihilation for the duration of the Cold War. What did they do to better assure their survival?
Built bomb shelters at home and had regular attack drills
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When did the Korean War come to an end?
July 27th 1953
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There were huge ramifications for this conflict as it threatened the newly established global peace. Which powers aided both sides during the war.
USA and China
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Where was the borderline for North and South Korea set?
34th Parallel
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The Nationalist faction fled to Taiwan in what year?
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How many times did Communist China attempt to invade Taiwan?
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The CIA was established in 1947 as a way to avoid taking public responsibility for controversial actions. What else was it used for?
Countering Communist expansion and assisting friendly governments
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The CIA were introduced as a part of a 'New Look' towards the US national security policy in what year?
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The CIA had established desired governments in which nations?
Iran and Guatamala
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The Hungarian Uprising was caused when Khrushchev didn't accept Hungary leaving what??
Warsaw Pact
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Eisenhower attempted to respond however this proved difficult because of what?
Austria had taken a neutral stance and Britain and France had been threatened with rockets
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Why was Eisenhower criticised for his response?
He didn't uphold the Truman Doctrine as he didn't prevent the establishment of Communist rule in Hungary
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In May 1960, the USSR shot down a U-2 spy plane. Who was the Pilot?
Francis Gary Powers
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The pilot was assumed dead and Eisenhower's response was that the plane was...?
A weather plane flown off route
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Eisenhower admitted to the purpose of the plane at the Paris Summit. What did this result in?
Paris talks breaking down
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Other cards in this set

Card 2


Gamal Abdul Nasser was responsible for doing what, causing the Suez Crisis?


Nationalising the Suez Canal

Card 3


The Suez Crisis resulted in multiple sanctions towards the UK and France. What did it result for the USA?


Preview of the front of card 3

Card 4


The Arms Race began when the Soviets tested their first atomic bomb. When was this?


Preview of the front of card 4

Card 5


The US and Soviet Union tested both tested what in 1957?


Preview of the front of card 5
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