
  • Created by: ewilco1
  • Created on: 01-05-19 12:59
Psychological egoism and ethical egoism; disadvantages; and why should we be moral?
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What is psychological egoism?
All of us DO act in our own self interest. Descriptive/factual theory.
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What is ethical egoism?
All of us SHOULD act in our own self interest. Normative/evaluative theory.
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Glacoun and the value of morality
Why do we value things? Intrinsic value; instrumental value; and both.
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Glacoun and the Ring
If we were given a ring that could make us invisible, we would all act in our self interest.
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We do and should act concerning the interests of other people, even when it is not in our own interest to do so. Most ethical theories are based on this.
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Assessing psychological egoism
Are we always motivated by self-interest?
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The 'we always do what we want' argument
We always do what we want, even when we are helping other people, because we want to help other people.
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Evaluation of the 'we always do what we want' argument
Depends what we mean by 'want'. We must have a desire before we act. I have an obligation to visit my grandmother, and I have a desire to meet my obligation, but is it what I want to do? If a desire - this is altruistic desire.
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The 'we do what makes us feel good' argument
Helping others feels good and that is why we do it.
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Evaluation of the 'we do what makes us feel good' argument
That doing the right thing feels good VS doing the right thing because it is good.
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Assessing psychological egosim
If it is true, ethics is pointless!
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Problems with psychological egosim
Unprovable theory - we cannot know what our own motivations our let alone other peoples. Acting on desires does not mean acting on selfish desires.
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Ethical egoism
The right thing to do is what is in our best interests. Reasons: Self-expertise and common sense morality.
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Ethical egoism: Self-expertise argument
We are the judges of what is in the best interest for us and other people cannot be. So we should all act in our own self interests and not worry about other people.
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Evaluation of the self-expertise argument
Helping people who are genuinely in need. Assumes we know what is in our own best interest. Not actually egoistic.
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Ethical egoism: Common sense morality
Why should we not lie? Because then people would distrust us - it's in our self interest to live in a world where we can trust people's word. Etc.
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Problems with 'common sense morality'
There may be cases where stealing or harming someone is a good option. Glaucon's ring.
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An additional problem
Cannot recommend that everyone should be egoists. Wants other people to look out for their own interests.
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Arguments against egoism: Inconsistency
Baier. It is in my interests/moral duty to kill my rival. It is in my rival's interest/duty to defend themselves. So my rival has a duty to prevent me from fulfilling my duty, which is wrong. So it is both right and wrong.
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Egoism is arbitrary
Suggests you should be treated differently from everyone else for an arbitrary reason - like racism and sexism. Forms of prejudice should be rejected.
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Why should we be moral?
1. Plato's answer and 2. Reject the question.
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Plato's answer
It is better to be moral even if we suffer great evils.
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Plato's answer: morality as mental health
The tyrant can never be satisfied, not able to make true friends. Immorality does damage to the soul.
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Plato's answer: criticisms
Psychology can be denied. Egoistic - why should we be moral, because it is in our own interests.
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Reject the question
Why should we help a person in need? Because the person is in need. We care about others and act in our welfare, so we should be moral.
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Other cards in this set

Card 2


All of us DO act in our own self interest. Descriptive/factual theory.


What is psychological egoism?

Card 3


All of us SHOULD act in our own self interest. Normative/evaluative theory.


Preview of the back of card 3

Card 4


Why do we value things? Intrinsic value; instrumental value; and both.


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Card 5


If we were given a ring that could make us invisible, we would all act in our self interest.


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