Effects of Ostpolitik- economic dependance

How did Ostpolitik effect trading between the FRG and GDR?
By the 1980s the FRG was the GDR's main trading partner and the GDR benefited from the fact that EU quotas and tariffs did not apply to trade between the two german states. By the end of the decade there was widespread co-operation FRG+GDR firms
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In what other ways did Ostpolitik effect the economy of the GDR?
Items such as tolls, postal payments and visa charges became important to GDR economy- Visas alone brought in DM 16 billion 1968-89
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How much money was raised simply through the compulsory exchange rate of DM 1 to 1 Ostmark?
DM 4.5 billion
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What is the estimated total value of financial transfers from the FRG to the GDR until 1989?
DM 91 billion, of which DM 21 billion went directly to the state
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What was significant about currency obtained from the FRG?
It was free of interest payments and vital for servicing the GDR's foreign debt.
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In return for these financial transfers, what did the FRG demand of the GDR?
Improved emigration, postal and telecommunication services and an end to minefields and automatic firing on the border
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What links have historians made regarding the infusion of Deutschmarks?
An infusion of Deutschmarks and emigration as in 1984 when the two loans raised from the FRG coincided with 35,000 exit permits
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Overall, how did Ostpolitik effect the economy of the GDR?
GDR became ever more reliant on the FRG economically
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Card 2


In what other ways did Ostpolitik effect the economy of the GDR?


Items such as tolls, postal payments and visa charges became important to GDR economy- Visas alone brought in DM 16 billion 1968-89

Card 3


How much money was raised simply through the compulsory exchange rate of DM 1 to 1 Ostmark?


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Card 4


What is the estimated total value of financial transfers from the FRG to the GDR until 1989?


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Card 5


What was significant about currency obtained from the FRG?


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