Education and Research Methods Quiz Cards 3

What did the Foster education act do?
Ensured free state education between 5 and 10.
1 of 24
What did the 1944 Butler education act do?
Shaped education to be like a meritocracy.
2 of 24
What are the stages of the Tripartite system?
Grammar, Secondary Modern and Technical schools.
3 of 24
What are some criticisms of the 11+?
Reproduced class inequality, channelled the 2 classes. Girls were put at a disadvantage. Unrealiable and unfair. IQ testing is not a good measure of a childs ability.
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What were the problems with the comprehensive system?
Class difference still remained, higher streams still had the majority of middle class children and few lower class children. Less social mixing because of catchment areas. No parental choice.
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What were some of the advantages of the comprehensive system?
One education for all=fairness. No entrance exam, larger schools cheaper to run. Serves local catchment area. Brings together children from all different social classes.
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What are the pros of the tripartite system?
Different ability students get the support they need. Resources can be better targeted. Less able don't feel inferior.
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What are the cons of the tripartite system?
Most students felt like a failure if they didn't pass age 11. Most students develop after this time. Exam was biased in favor of middle class. Some children received a 'second class' education. Divided children from different backgrounds.
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What were some Labour policies that tried to reduce inequalities?
EMA, Aim Higher, Sure Start programme (Supports families with pre-school children. Free book packs, Sure Start centers.) Connexions.
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What are some Conservative policies that tried to raise competition?
Grant Maintained schools, City Technology schools, Local management of schools,marketisation.
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What are the pros and cons of increasing competition and choice?
Schools raise standards to stay open. Successful flourish. Successful schools get more students.- Expensive, 'sink schools' and bad reputation.
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What is marketisation?
Introduced consumer choice and competition between schools. Schools run like businesses, provide customers with good exam results.
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What is compensatory education?
Designed to help children who had been deprived of cultural experience in the home.
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What are some examples of compensatory education?
Head Start in the USA and Sure Start in the UK.
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What are the external factors that have affected gender differences in education?
Impact of feminism, changes in the family, changes in women's employment, girls changing ambitions.
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What are the internal factors that have affected gender differences in education?
Equal opportunity polices, positive role models, GCSE coursework, teacher attention, changing stereotypes in the curriculum and selection and league tables.
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What has affected boys achievement?
Less male teachers, globalization and decline of traditional male jobs, feminism of education and boys lack of literacy.
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What did Moore and Davenport discover about marketisation?
They screened out children who had language/learning disabilities, or those whose parents were non english speakers or had a bad education. This meant while middle class pupils were favored.
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What new policies did the New Labour party bring in?
Literacy and numeracy hours, after school homework club funding, BSF, specialist support for deprived pupils, raised uni fees.
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What did the coalition and Micheal Gove do?
2010 academies act, cut BSF, free schools, frozen teachers pay. Changed the exam system to be more rigorous.
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What did Gillborn and Youdell discover about ethnic achievment?
African- Carribean children entered school with the highest achievement, but had the worst results at GCSE.
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What are some internal factors that affect ethnic achievement?
Labeling and teacher racism, black pupils quicker to be disciplined, pupils responses and subcultures and failed strategies for avoiding racism.
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What factors (cultural deprivation) affect ethnic achievement?
Family support and structure, lack of intellectual and lingustic skills, attitudes and values, ( section on asian families on poster)
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Who did Mac an Ghail and Fuller study?
Black year 11 girls who were high achievers. Found that they didn't seek teacher approval, because they thought they were racist, maintained friendships in lower streams.
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Other cards in this set

Card 2


What did the 1944 Butler education act do?


Shaped education to be like a meritocracy.

Card 3


What are the stages of the Tripartite system?


Preview of the front of card 3

Card 4


What are some criticisms of the 11+?


Preview of the front of card 4

Card 5


What were the problems with the comprehensive system?


Preview of the front of card 5
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