education T3 - ethnicity, external

what are the 3 external factors that effect ethnic differences in achievement?
cultural deprivation
material deprivation and class
racism in wider society
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what 3 factors does cultural deprivation consist of?
1. intellectual and linguistic skills
2. attitudes and values
3. family structure and parental support
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explain how intellectual and linguistic skills effect ethnic differences in achievement
Bereiter and Engelmann - language spoken by low income black American families is inadequate for educational success
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criticism for intellectual and linguistic skills
Gillborn and Mirza - Indian pupils do very well despite not having English as home language
2010- pupils with English as their first language were only 3.2 percentage points ahead of those without without English as their first language (55.2% compared to
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explain how attitudes and values effects ethnic differences in achievement
cultural deprivation theorists see lack of motivation as a major cause of failure of many black children
most children are socialised into mainstream culture which instils ambition, competitiveness and sacrifice for long-term goals
some black children a
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explain how family structure and parental support effects ethnic differences in achievement
failure to socialise children adequately can be a result of a dysfunctional family structure
Moynihan - because many black families are headed by a lone mother - children deprived of adequate care as mother struggles financially - lack of breadwinner
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family structure and parental support sociologists
Murray - new right - high rate of lone parenthood and lack of positive male role models lead to the underachievement of some minorities
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family structure and parental support sociologists
Scruton - low achievement of levels of some ethnic minorities results from failure to embrace mainstream British culture
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family structure and parental support sociologists
Pryce - comparison of black and asian pupils, asians are higher achievers as their culture is more resistant to racism Vs black Caribbean culture is less cohesive and less resistant to racism
could be a result of differing impact of colonialism on two gr
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family structure and parental support sociologists
Sewell: fathers, gangs and culture
not lack of fathers as role models but lack of fatherly nurturing or 'tough love' that leads to underachieving
black boys find it hard to overcome emotional and behavioural difficulties of adolescence
street gangs of fatherless boys offer black boys 'pe
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family structure and parental support sociologists
Asian families
Lupton - 'asian work ethic' - adult authority in Asian families is similar to schools
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family structure and parental support sociologists
white WC families
McCullouch - survey of 16,000 pupils - found ethnic minority pupils are m0re likely to aspire to go to university than white British pupils
lupton - studied 4 mainly WC schools - 2 white, 1 Pakistani, 1 ethnically mixed - teachers reported poor behaviour
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family structure and parental support sociologists
examples of compensatory education
- operation head start USA
aim was to compensate children for the cultural deficit they are said to suffer because of deprived backgrounds
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criticisms of cultural deprivation theory
Driver - ignores positive effects of ethnicity on achievement - black Caribbean families provide girls w strong independent female role models - black girls more successful in ed than boys
Keddie - cultural dip is victim blaming - rather cultural differe
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material deprivation and class - stats
- almost 1/2 of all ethnic minority children live in low-income households - 1/4 of white children
- ethnic minorities are 2x as likely to be unemployed than whites
- almost 1/2 Bangladeshi and Pakistani workers earned under £7 a hour - only 1/4 of white
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material deprivation and class -reason for stats
- ethnic minorities are more likely to live in economically depressed areas with high unemployment and low wages
-cultural factors p- muslim women - purdah prevents them from working outside the home
- lack of lang skills and qualifications
- asylum se
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material deprivation and class -does class override ethnicity?
those Indian and Chinese pupils who are materially deprived still do better than most
e.g. 86% of Chinese girls who received FSM achieved 5 or more higher grade GCSE~s - only 65% of white girls who were receiving FSM
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Racism in wider society
Mason - 'discrimination is a continuing and persistent feature of the experience of Britains citizens of minority ethnic origin'
Rex - racial discrimination to social exclusion to poverty has worsened e.g. housing - discrimination - minorities forced into
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Racism in wider society
Wood et al
Wood et al - sent 3 job applications to 1,000 vacancies - fictitious applicants using names associated w ethnic groups -each job - 1 applicant appeared white and 2 minority, only 1/16 minority applicants were offered interview compared to 1/9 white
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Other cards in this set

Card 2


what 3 factors does cultural deprivation consist of?


1. intellectual and linguistic skills
2. attitudes and values
3. family structure and parental support

Card 3


explain how intellectual and linguistic skills effect ethnic differences in achievement


Preview of the front of card 3

Card 4


criticism for intellectual and linguistic skills


Preview of the front of card 4

Card 5


explain how attitudes and values effects ethnic differences in achievement


Preview of the front of card 5
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