Dyslexia and Alzheimer's Flashcards

  • Created by: tomtom11
  • Created on: 30-05-17 15:54
Dyslexia STRENGTH- McDougall et al (1994)
Divided 90 kids in poor, moderate, and good readers. Poor readers = lower memory spans for words + lower reading rate. Good = articulate words quickly opposed to poor who sound the words out. Basic inefficiency in phonological processing = dyslexia.
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Dyslexia STRENGTH- Stein (2008)
Found that the development of magnocellular neurons is impaired in children with dyslexia.
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Dyslexia STRENGTH- Alloway et al (2009)
Investigated 46 kids aged 6-11, with reading disability, and found that they showed short-term Working Memory deficits that could be the cause of their reading problems. She thought that they don't have the capacity to form syllables into a word.
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Dyslexia STRENGTH- Smith-Spark et al (2010)
Found that adults with dyslexia had unimpaired spatial working memory, but impaired verbal working memory, compared to a control group of non-dyslexic participants, suggesting a deficit with the phonological loop in participants.
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Alzheimer's STRENGTH- Baddeley et al (2001)
Experiment involved look for the letter 'Z' amongst easy and difficult distractor latter and a dual-task procedure. Patients with Alzheimer's performed worse on the distractor task + were even more impaired on the dual task.
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Card 2


Found that the development of magnocellular neurons is impaired in children with dyslexia.


Dyslexia STRENGTH- Stein (2008)

Card 3


Investigated 46 kids aged 6-11, with reading disability, and found that they showed short-term Working Memory deficits that could be the cause of their reading problems. She thought that they don't have the capacity to form syllables into a word.


Preview of the back of card 3

Card 4


Found that adults with dyslexia had unimpaired spatial working memory, but impaired verbal working memory, compared to a control group of non-dyslexic participants, suggesting a deficit with the phonological loop in participants.


Preview of the back of card 4

Card 5


Experiment involved look for the letter 'Z' amongst easy and difficult distractor latter and a dual-task procedure. Patients with Alzheimer's performed worse on the distractor task + were even more impaired on the dual task.


Preview of the back of card 5


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