DNA, Genes and Chromosomes

  • Created by: caity_10
  • Created on: 12-03-18 19:28
The sequence of the three bases on mRNA that codes for a single amino acid
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The complete set of genes in a cell, including those in the mitochondria and chloroplasts
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The full range of proteins produced by the genome
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Ribonucleic acid (RNA)
A polymer made up of repeating units of the pentose sugar ribose,an organic base and a phosphate group
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Eukaryotic cells DNA
Linear DNA that exist as chromosomes, DNA molecule is very long so has to be wound up around proteins called histones. The Mitochondria and Chloroplasts also have their own DNA however this is more similar to Prokaryotic cells DNA.
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Prokaryotic cells DNA
Circular DNA that is short and is not associated with histones
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A sequence of DNA bases that code for either a polypeptide or functional RNA
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Different versions of the same gene
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Messenger RNA (mRNA)
Made during Transcription and it carries the genetic code for the DNA to the ribosomes where it is used to make proteins
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Transfer RNA (tRNA)
Involved in Translation and carries the amino acids that are used to make proteins to the ribosomes. It is clover shape and has an amino acid binding site and opposite an anticodon
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A specific sequence of three bases at one end.
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Genetic Code
The sequence of base triplets in mRNA which code for specific amino acids
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Each base triplet is read in sequence separate from the triplet before and after it Base triplets don't share their bases
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There are more possible combinations of triplets than there are amino acids. Some amino acids are code for by more than one base triplet
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The same specific base triplet code for the same amino acids in all living things
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Crossing over
During meiosis 1 homologous pairs of chromosomes come together and pair up. The chromatids twist around each other and bits of chromatids swap over. The chromatids contain the same genes but a different combination of alleles
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Independant Segregation
When the homologous pair separates it's completely random which chromosome ends up in which daughter cell. The four daughter cells produced by meiosis have completely different combinations of the maternal and paternal chromosomes
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Chromosome mutation
Caused by errors during meiosis where the cells produced contain variations in the number of whole chromosomes or parts of chromosomes
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Down's Syndrome
A person has an extra copy of chromosome 21
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A failure of the chromosomes to separate properly
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Substitution Mutation
A nucleotide base is substituted for another nucleotide base
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Deletion Mutation
A nucleotide base is taken out of the DNA nucleotide sequence causing a frame shift to the left
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Addition Mutation
A nucleotide base is added into the DNA nucleotide sequence casing a frame shift to the right
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Mutagenic Agents
Things that cause an increase in the rate of mutations e.g. UltraViolet radiation, Ionising radiation, some chemicals and some viruses
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Genetic Diversity
The number of different alleles of genes in a species or population
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Increase Genetic Diversity
Mutations in DNA and Gene flow
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Gene Flow
Where different alleles being introduced into a population when individuals from another population migrate into them and reproduce
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Genetic Bottleneck Effect
Produces a Reduction in a population which reduces the number of different alleles in the gene pool and so reduces genetic diversity. The survivors reproduce and a larger population is created form a few survivors
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Founder Effect
A few organisms from a population start a new colony and there are only a small number of different alleles in the initial gene pool. The frequency of each allele in the new colony will be different to the parent, hight incidence of genetic disease
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behavioural Adaptations
Ways an organism acts that increases it's chance of survival and reproduction i.e. playing dead
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Physiological Adaptations
Processes inside an organisms body that increases it's chance of survival i.e. Brown bears hibernate over winter which conserves energy
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Anatomical Adaptations
Structure features of an organisms body that increase it;s chance of survival
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Other cards in this set

Card 2


The complete set of genes in a cell, including those in the mitochondria and chloroplasts



Card 3


The full range of proteins produced by the genome


Preview of the back of card 3

Card 4


A polymer made up of repeating units of the pentose sugar ribose,an organic base and a phosphate group


Preview of the back of card 4

Card 5


Linear DNA that exist as chromosomes, DNA molecule is very long so has to be wound up around proteins called histones. The Mitochondria and Chloroplasts also have their own DNA however this is more similar to Prokaryotic cells DNA.


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