Divisions of the Nervous System

Central Nervous System (CNS)
The body's master control unit
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Peripheral Nervous System (PNS)
The body's link to the outside world
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Spinal Cord
A column of nerves between the brain and the peripheral nervous system
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Divided into three major parts:
- The hindbrain (lower part)
- The midbrain
- The forebrain
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The Autonomic Nervous System
Regulates involuntary bodily processes including heart rate, respiration, digestion and pupil contraction; operates automatically without conscious direction
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The Somatic Nervous System
Carries sensory information from sensory organs to the CNS and relays motor (movement) commands to muscles; controls voluntary movements
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Sympathetic NS
Prepares the body for action and stress. This is called "fight or flight"
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Parasympathetic NS
Calms the body and helps the body to conserve energy
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Card 2


The body's link to the outside world


Peripheral Nervous System (PNS)

Card 3


A column of nerves between the brain and the peripheral nervous system


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Card 4


Divided into three major parts:
- The hindbrain (lower part)
- The midbrain
- The forebrain


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Card 5


Regulates involuntary bodily processes including heart rate, respiration, digestion and pupil contraction; operates automatically without conscious direction


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