Digital Media

Who owns the subsidiary companys?
1 of 15
What happens in stage 5 of Todorov's narrative theory?
A return or restoration of a new equilibrium
2 of 15
What is above the line advertising?
Where mass media is used to promote brands and reach out to target customers
3 of 15
What is technological convergence?
The coming together of information and communication technologies in order to create new ways of producing and distributing products and services to a media audience
4 of 15
What is synergy?
The increased efficiency and profit that occurs as a result of vertical and horizontal promotion
5 of 15
What is traditional advertising?
Method of advertising that have been used by media producers to promote products for many years before the digital age
6 of 15
What is cross media ownership?
This is when a media institution owns two or more companies that specialize in different media sectors
7 of 15
What does BARB stand for?
Broadcasters Audience Research Board
8 of 15
What is cross media?
A conglomerate that produces more than one type of media
9 of 15
What is web 2.0 technologies?
Where web pages and technologies are interactive and collaborative
10 of 15
What is verisimilitude?
How real the world of the story or narrative of a fictional media product appears to the audience
11 of 15
What is a diegetic world?
The fictional world (time and place) of the narrative
12 of 15
What is denotation?
The literal meaning of a code, sign or generic convention of a media text or product
13 of 15
What is connotation?
The suggested, possible meanings of any given denotation
14 of 15
What is a main stream audience?
An audience that consumes a product that appeals to a wide range of age groups and cultures.
15 of 15

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Card 2


What happens in stage 5 of Todorov's narrative theory?


A return or restoration of a new equilibrium

Card 3


What is above the line advertising?


Preview of the front of card 3

Card 4


What is technological convergence?


Preview of the front of card 4

Card 5


What is synergy?


Preview of the front of card 5
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