Differential Diagnosis

  • Created by: Paul
  • Created on: 07-12-12 10:06
Multiple Sclerosis - Pathophysiology (1)
Occurs activation of myelin reactive T-cells which express adhesion molecules. These allow entry into the BBB, These are activated following antigen presentation by cells such as macrophages and microglia.
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Multiple Sclerosis - Pathophysiology (1) - Part 2
Perivascular T-cells secrete inflammatory agents. Antibodies against myelin may be generated in the periphery or intrathecally. The ongoing inflammation leads to epitope spread and further secretion of inflammatory agents.
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Multiple Sclerosis - Pathophysiology (1) - Part 3
Activated microglia may release free radicals, nitric oxide and proteases which may cause further tissue damage
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Multiple Sclerosis - Pathophysiology (paradigm shift) - 1
An unidentified factor results in oligodendrocyte apoptosis and direct or secondary microglia activation. T-cells re-enter the CNS and are activated by antigen presenting cells possibly in the Virchow-Robin spaces.
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Multiple Sclerosis - Pathophysiology (paradigm shift) - 2
Amplification of the inflammatory process ensues, by as yet unidentified immune populations. Some microglia differentiate into macrophages which phagotose apoptotic oligodendrocytes
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Multiple Sclerosis - Pathophysiology (paradigm shift) - 3
The degenerating myelin which may express phagocytic ligands on their abluminal surface. This paradigm shift makes no assumptions about the T-cell specificity or the auto-antigens involved or the epitopes from an unknown factor which lead to apopto
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Card 2


Perivascular T-cells secrete inflammatory agents. Antibodies against myelin may be generated in the periphery or intrathecally. The ongoing inflammation leads to epitope spread and further secretion of inflammatory agents.


Multiple Sclerosis - Pathophysiology (1) - Part 2

Card 3


Activated microglia may release free radicals, nitric oxide and proteases which may cause further tissue damage


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Card 4


An unidentified factor results in oligodendrocyte apoptosis and direct or secondary microglia activation. T-cells re-enter the CNS and are activated by antigen presenting cells possibly in the Virchow-Robin spaces.


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Card 5


Amplification of the inflammatory process ensues, by as yet unidentified immune populations. Some microglia differentiate into macrophages which phagotose apoptotic oligodendrocytes


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