Developmental Stages/Thresholds

  • Created by: HJC123
  • Created on: 29-01-17 16:49
What are developmental thresholds?
Although we learn about particular developmental thresholds, these timescales are only approximate. It shows that children acquire sounds (phonology), leading to words (lexis), and then to forming sentences (syntax)
1 of 9
What is the defining feature of the holophrastic stage?
One-word utternaces
2 of 9
In which approximate age group does the holophrastic stage generally occur/appear?
12-18 months
3 of 9
What is the defining feature of the two-word stage?
Two-word combinations
4 of 9
In which approximate age group does the two-word stage generally occur/appear?
18-24 months
5 of 9
What is the defining feature of the telegraphic stage?
Three or more words combined
6 of 9
In which approximate age group does the telegraphic stage generally occur/appear?
24-36 months
7 of 9
What is the defining feature of the post-telegraphic stage?
More grammatically complex combinations
8 of 9
In which approximate age group does the post-telegraphic stage generally occur/appear?
36 months +
9 of 9

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Card 2


What is the defining feature of the holophrastic stage?


One-word utternaces

Card 3


In which approximate age group does the holophrastic stage generally occur/appear?


Preview of the front of card 3

Card 4


What is the defining feature of the two-word stage?


Preview of the front of card 4

Card 5


In which approximate age group does the two-word stage generally occur/appear?


Preview of the front of card 5
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