Development of Liturature

What does the simple vies of reading comprise of?
Comprehension process and word recognition. If both of these are high then you will be a good reader, if both bad = dyslexia. If comprehension is poor = language impariment
1 of 14
The self-teaching hypothesis states...
Phonological recoding, we learn word sepcific orthographic knowledge
2 of 14
The triangle model shows....
Reading links; meaning, orthography and phonology together. In a computer simulation it can be seen that letters activate sounds and semantics
3 of 14
What can we learn from the dual route model?
Lexical = orthographic - semantics - phonological. Sub-Lexical = Grapheme - grapheme phoneme - phoneme blending. Both of which then lead to speech.
4 of 14
What do we know about the Alphabet?
Letters & Graphemes map phonemes. Phonemes are the smallest unit in speech (/B/E/D/). Letters combine to form graphemes (SH, TH, CH). 26 letters & 44 phonemes
5 of 14
Which languages are of fine granularity and transparency and which are not?
Turkish and English are of fine granularity and transparency. Hebrew and Chinese are on the other end and are much harder to learn
6 of 14
What happens in the lexical-semantic route?
1. Stored letter sequence 2.Stored word meaning 3.Stored word pronunciation
7 of 14
What happens in Phonological processing?
1. Identify grapheme 2. Grapheme into Phoneme 3. Blend Phoneme 4. Access stored pronunciation 5. Access stored meaning
8 of 14
What are Ehri's 4-phases in his theory?
1. Pre-alphabetic (visual cues). 2. Partial alphabetic (link letters to sounds). 3. Full alphabetic (connections between graphemes and phonemes). 4. Consolidated alphabetic (represent large segments/units)
9 of 14
How do we spell words?
Access to phonological, semantic, syntactic and orthographic identity. BUT you need to develop a extensive orthographic lexicon.
10 of 14
What is the two route model of reading?
Assembled route = phoneme - grapheme. Addresses route = lexicon - orthographic identity
11 of 14
How would a semiphonectic spell STEP
12 of 14
How would a Phonetic spell STEP
13 of 14
How would a morphemic spell STEPPED
14 of 14

Other cards in this set

Card 2


The self-teaching hypothesis states...


Phonological recoding, we learn word sepcific orthographic knowledge

Card 3


The triangle model shows....


Preview of the front of card 3

Card 4


What can we learn from the dual route model?


Preview of the front of card 4

Card 5


What do we know about the Alphabet?


Preview of the front of card 5
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