DP Perception Critical Analysis

  • Created by: Psych951
  • Created on: 09-05-19 21:15

DP Perception Critical Analysis


  • Infants have adaptive inborn reflexes supporting perceptual abilities
  • Support for constructivist theory from learning support relations and motor experience for depth perception
  • Nativist supported by early perception, integration and brain maturation
  • Wider implications to general nature/nurture debate and wider development
  • Can inform AI and prosthetic technology
  • High-amplitude sucking allows investigation of preferences and discrimination
  • Illusions allow for understanding of how perceptual capabilities develop


  • Constructivist theory flawed by evidence of early capabilities
  • Nativist limited by early influence of environment making it difficult to separate contributors
  • Culture determines perceptual narrowing
  • A-Not-B error is inappropriate for young children and provides social cues
  • Evoked potential methods cannot distinguish from perception and other brain activity
  • Looking time cannot discriminate between a lack of interest and no perception
  • Visual cliff provides conflicting tactile sensory input


Although there are methodological flaws that limit the conclusions made by competing theories, it seems that the new technology provides a useful way of understanding infant perceptual capabilities. The strongest conclusion is that perception develop through interactions of experiences and biological maturation to develop the early innate capabilities. 


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