Development (2027)

It recaps the most prevalent data gathered about early childhood development

  • Created by: Kissinger
  • Created on: 09-03-23 13:21
What are the five basic emotions?
Anger, Sadness, Joy, Disgust, Fear.
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What are the 5 complex emotions
Guilt, embarrassment, Pride, Jealously, Shame
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Ekman & Friesen, 1972 , Ekman, 1973, Ekman,2003 concluded what?
That cross-culturally, we not only tend to express emotion the same way (at least facially) but we also seem to have the same to recognise it.
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Quin (2008) concluded what?
Babies prefer to look at attractive faces
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Oster (2003) concluded what?
Adults seem to also be capable of recognising emotions in babies that have cranial abnormalities.
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Johnson (1982)
Even mothers can recognise the 3 out of 5 Basic emotions in their babies.
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In Johnson (1982), what other emotions did mothers recognise (apart from the basic emotions) in the babies?
Interest, surprise.
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Johnson (1982) also concluded:
Humans are better at distinguishing positive emotions than negative ones.
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Lewis et al (1990) concluded that babies are able to express anger at what age?
2-4 months
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Lewis et al (1990) concluded that babies are able to express sadness at what age?
4-6 months
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Lewis et al., (1989) concluded that children are able to express embarrassment, envy and empathy at what age?
16 months onward
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What did Akimoto & Sanbonmatsu, (1999) conclude?
That Japanese Americans are much more self-effacing than Western Americans, meaning that they are less to show feelings of pride and more likely to experience embarrassment when receiving positive feedback.
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Thompson, (1994) theorise three different strategies in which children regulate emotion. Identify them.
directing attention, Thinking positively, reinterpreting the cause.
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The child is in a play area with its mother. It feels feels free to explore the environment. Identify this phenenoneom.
The Secure base
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The Mother leaves the play area and the child follows her. Identify what the child seeks to reestablish.
The Haven of Safety
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At which point are babies able to differentiate between others and its primary caregiver?
6 weeks – 6/8 months
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Identify the correct sequence
Microsystem, Mesosystem, Exocsystem, Macrosystem, Chronosystem.
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What is the first stage in Erikson's theory?
Trust versus Mistrust (0-1 year)
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Autonomy versus shame and doubt is the conflict that occurs in what stage of Erikson's theorised development?
The second stage (1-3 year)
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What is the Third conflict of Erikson's planned development?
Initiative versus Guilt
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The stage of "Inferiority versus industry" occurs in...
The Fourth Year
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"Thought children were 'scientists' exploring their world" is a line of thought developed by which scientist?
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The ability to repeat accidental behaviours is present in what substage of development?
Stage 2
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The ability to repeat an event or movement that repeats over and over again is present in what sub stage of sensorimotor development.
Stage 3
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The coordination of several schemas to problem solve is present in what substage sensorimotor development.
Stage 4
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Object permanence is present in what substage of sensorimotor development?
Stage 6
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What ability is NOT present is the first stage of pre-operational development?
Spatial reasoning
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What ability is NOT present is the second stage of concrete operational development?
Animistic thinking
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What SPECIFIC stage of development should children be able to complete conversation tasks.
Stage 4, Sensorimotor
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Piaget (1970) suggested that children who had not reached the formal operational stage would prefer to have a third eye on their what?
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Private speech is a mental tool that which scientist theorised and worked on?
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According to Vygotsky, The threshold in between current knowledge and possible further knowledge?
The Zone of proximal development
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Parten (1932) suggested the the four categories of play were
Onlooker, cooperative, Solitary, Parallel
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Which scientist focused on how play can help children who have experiences trauma
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Theory of Mind is a acquirable ability at around...
4 years
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Early maturation in boys will lead to greater what?
More popularity popularity, higher self-esteem, Higher probability of anti-social behaviour, More frequent and intense temper tantrums
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Early maturation in girls will lead to greater what?
Less popularity, lower self-esteem, lower probability of anti-social behaviour, less frequent and weak temper tantrums
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A child becomes overly sensitive to all emotional stimuli, what part of the Storm and Stress model does this fit into?
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The child is unable able to regulate their emotions when they do not a Golden sticker for their project, what part of the Storm and Stress model does this fit into?
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Arenett (1999) did not conclude what about the Storm and Stress model:
It is a evolution of the Oedipal complex.
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Identify the identity that CHEEK & BRIGGS (2013) did not originally theorise.
Self-emergent identity
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Achieved identity
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Premature often forceful commitment to a identity
Foreclosure identity
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Active and casual exploration engagement with possible identity. Identify this identity?
Moratorium identity
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Incomplete, incoherent and disjointed identity
Identity Diffusion
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What is the least healthy identity?
Identity Diffusion
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What are the four keys of social cognition in adolescence?
Perspective talking, empathy, emotion recognition, Theory of Mind
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BLAKEMORE & CHOUDHURY (2006) concluded that which Brain areas go under protracted growth?
Prefrontal and parietal networks
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Beauchamp & Anderson, (2010) concluded that mediators included:
External/ internal factors and Brain development.
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Beauchamp & Anderson, (2010) concluded that mediators cognitive includes:
Attentive executive, communication, socio-emotional
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Beauchamp & Anderson, (2010) concluded that social skills includes:
Social skills and function
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In adolescent, there is a significant uptake in neurons in what area of the Brain
Frontal cortext
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According to the functionalist approach, the purpose of emotions are:
To allow us to appraise the personal significance of a situation and prepare for action
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What is the first stage of Atchley (1985) retirement model?
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What is the second stage of Atchley (1985) retirement model?
Honey moon phase
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What is the third stage of Atchley (1985) retirement model?
The disenchantment phase
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What is the fourth stage of Atchley (1985) retirement model?
The stability phase
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What is the final stage of Atchley (1985) retirement model?
The termination phase
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Parkes (1970) stages of grief include
Numbness, Yearning and protest, Disorganisation & despair, Reorganisation of behaviour
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Other cards in this set

Card 2


What are the 5 complex emotions


Guilt, embarrassment, Pride, Jealously, Shame

Card 3


Ekman & Friesen, 1972 , Ekman, 1973, Ekman,2003 concluded what?


Preview of the front of card 3

Card 4


Quin (2008) concluded what?


Preview of the front of card 4

Card 5


Oster (2003) concluded what?


Preview of the front of card 5
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