Development 15 Morality development

  • Created by: CaliFish
  • Created on: 14-05-17 09:37
define morality
principles concerning right or wrong
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_________ is a critical component because not overtime ________
judgement, straight forward
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what 3 types of judgement are there
moral, personal, social convention
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what are personal judgements
judgements in which individuals preference is most important i.e choosing ones friends
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what are social judgements
judgements in which you consider the social customs intended to ensure social coordination
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what are social conventional judgements related to
prosocial behaviour
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what is prosocial behaviour
behaviour that facilitate or help others
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they do not have _______ motives, they have _______
egoistic, altruistic
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why might young people show prosocial behaviour
empathy, sympathy
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define empathy
sharing an emotional reaction/state
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define sympathy
feeling of concern for another emotional reaction/state
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why might old people show prosocial behaviour
empathy, sympathy, consistency
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subconsciously you may also be considering what 4 things
social costs, physical costs, self-concept costs, moral costs
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what ability do you need to have, to be prosocial
ability to perceptive take
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Roth-Hariott et al 2011 made a perspective model, what was the first stage?
6-11 months, children can recognise distress
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what was the second stage?
2 years, child might try comfort but it would be egoistic biased
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what was the third stage?
2-3 years, child understands the differentation of own and others emotions and acts accordingly
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what are the 3 perspectives of why there is individual differences in prosocial behaviour
evolutionary, behavioural genetic, environmental
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what are the evolutionary perspectives two main points about prosocial development
there is a biological disposition and being prosocial is adaptive
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what are the behavioural genetic perspectives three main points about prosocial development
genetic effects, genetic effects that increase with age, genetic link with temperament
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what is a big environmental factor of prosocial behaviour
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what 3 ways may parents have effects
modelling, opportunities, discipline
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however, the effect of parents is what
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give 4 ways in which parents are teaching prosocial behaviour, wrongly
physical punishment, threat of punishment, authoritarian parenting, material/tangible rewards
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define anti-social behaviour
behaviour that violates cultural norms
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what are the two types of antisocial behaviour
agression and non aggression
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give an example of how anti-social behaviour is developmental
object possessiveness can get more aggressive
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why, on average, does physical aggression actually decrease with age
language increases
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however, what might it be substituted for
verbal agression
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what are the two perspectives of anti-social behaviour
biological and social
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what are the biological perspectives 4 min points about antisocial behaviour
temperament, hormonal, genetic, neurological deficit
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who are massive social factors
parents and peers
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how can parents influence antisocial behaviour
physical punishment, inconsistency in parenting, no discipline at all
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how can peers influence antisocial behaviour
aggressive friends (who are more likely to be hung out with) reinforce behaviour
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who are a category kept separate from peers, but similar
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what is a prominent feature of gangs
peer pressure as support
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the longer time a child is in a gang..
the more likely they are to exhibit antisocial behaviour
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what are 5 other risk factors of antisocial behaviour
inter parental conflict, parent psychopathology, single parents, teenage parents, low SES
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on the media violence tends to be ______ and ____
glamorised and trivialised
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watching violence on media may do what 4 things
social learning, activate aggressive thoughts, stimulate/arouse, emotional desensitisation
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however, medias influence can also be ____
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the effect of prosocial media can be made long lasting if what
parents role play the prosocial behaviour seen
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who are two big theorists of moral development
piaget, kholberg
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what is a big theory of moral development
theory of mind
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what task tests for theory of mind
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what are the two main false belief tasks
sally-anne and smartie
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are are two criticms of false belief tasks
children may not undertsand the question, children do better in natural settings
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what is the relationship between theory of mind and pro and anti social behaviour
there isn't one, both can have it, this is affective empathy vs cognitive empathy
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who doesn't do very well with theory of mind tasks
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Other cards in this set

Card 2


_________ is a critical component because not overtime ________


judgement, straight forward

Card 3


what 3 types of judgement are there


Preview of the front of card 3

Card 4


what are personal judgements


Preview of the front of card 4

Card 5


what are social judgements


Preview of the front of card 5
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