Design Exam Revision

What does the Identify Phase include?
1) Design Brief 2)Research 3) Process Planning
1 of 13
What is the design brief?
It is a general description of the component, assembly and system which is required.
2 of 13
What are the two types of research?
Primary and Secondary.
3 of 13
What are two reasons why prototypes are tested?
To check for errors and To check that the product is safe to use
4 of 13
What are two reasons why the designer might return to a client to discuss the original design?
Because the budget may change and there may need to be a change in materials.
5 of 13
What does the design phase include?
1) Product specification 2) design 3) manufacturing
6 of 13
What does the optimise phase include?
1)modelling 2) prototyping 3) error proofing
7 of 13
What is error proofing?
It stops errors from occurring before and during manufacture.
8 of 13
What does the validate phase include?
1)testing 2)evaluation
9 of 13
What does F.A.C.E stand for?
Function Aesthetics Construction Economics
10 of 13
What does C.A.F.E.Q.U.E stand for?
Cost Aesthetics Function Ergonomics Quality User Environment
11 of 13
What is ergonomics?
how the product works with the human
12 of 13
What is anthropometrics?
the average size of the human
13 of 13

Other cards in this set

Card 2


What is the design brief?


It is a general description of the component, assembly and system which is required.

Card 3


What are the two types of research?


Preview of the front of card 3

Card 4


What are two reasons why prototypes are tested?


Preview of the front of card 4

Card 5


What are two reasons why the designer might return to a client to discuss the original design?


Preview of the front of card 5
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