Revision on existing products

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What is the most effective way to find out what a customer thinks of the product and what you could do to improve the users needs?
Sending out questionnaires, surveys and general conversation with what requirements people would like when designing.
1 of 6
What is the most common mistake when designing a product for a target audience? And how can it be avoided?
Not asking the community for the general design specifications they would like whilst also taking into consideration the features they may want.
2 of 6
What does aesthetics mean?
The looks and visual personalities of an object or “thing”
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What is a thermoplastic?
A plastic that usually starts as plastic pellets that then become heated and moulded to a molten state where they are moulded and shaped to be desired.
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What are ergonomics?
They are the functionality of the product, its shape, sustainability and also the reliability etc.
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When can VR (virtual reality) be good in the designing industry and why?
Virtual reality can be great when designing products as the product could be programmed into a scenario and a surrounding without being in the “real world” and this could be a lot cheaper and Effie the than trying to gather information from testing and er
6 of 6

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Card 2


What is the most common mistake when designing a product for a target audience? And how can it be avoided?


Not asking the community for the general design specifications they would like whilst also taking into consideration the features they may want.

Card 3


What does aesthetics mean?


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Card 4


What is a thermoplastic?


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Card 5


What are ergonomics?


Preview of the front of card 5
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