
  • Created by: maxine
  • Created on: 24-04-13 11:53
Encoding information that is stored in the memory stores.
1 of 62
Information is changed or encoded so that it can be stored.
2 of 62
Accessing or retrieving the information from storage.
3 of 62
How much information can be stored.
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How long information can stay in the memory.
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Sensory memory
unencoded information recieved through our sences.
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Short term memory
contains encoded information from the sensory memory. capasity of 5-9 up to 30 secs.
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Long term memory
The storehouse of all things in the memory that are not being currently used.
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Memory loss usally caused by a brain injury.
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NVC (5)
The process of sending and recieving messages through gestures, body language, posture, facial expessions and eye contact.
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Speaking directly using sentences.
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Paralinguistics (3)
the vocal feature that accompanies speech, including tone, emphasis and intonation.
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relativley stable and enduring aspect of individuals that distinguish them from others.
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our inborn personality traits.
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Anti Social Personality Disorder
A pattern of disregard for and violation of others rights that begins in childhood and carries ion into adulthood.
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A shared belief about the characteristics of people who belong to a particular social group or physical group.
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An attitude, usaully negative towards a particular group based on their steriotype.
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Treating people unfavourably based on their prejudice.
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Self Esteem
How we think and feel about ourselves.
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Self image
How we see ourselves and how you believe others see you.
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A precise and testable statement of what researchers predict will be the outcome of a study.
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Independant Invariable
The variable that can be changed in an experiment.
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Dependant Variable
The measured outcome.
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Experimental methods of investigation (3)
Lab experiment, Field Experiment and Natural Experiment.
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Demand Characteristics
Any feature of the research that may effect the participantsbehavour.
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Ecological Validity
The degree to which the finding from the study can be generalized beyond the reaseach setting.
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Experimental Designs (3)
Independant Groups, Repeated measures, Matched pairs.
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Random allocation
Randomly putting participants into different groups.
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Order effects
with repeated measures you may start a group on a questionnaire from q1 but the other group may start on the last part first.
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Reversing the order of the conditions for half the participants.
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Sampling Measurments (4)
Random, Opportunity, Systamatic, Stratified.
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Random Sampling
Selecting participants that have an eqaul chance.
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Opportunity Sampling
Selecting whoever is available to be a participant.
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Systamatic Sampling
Selecting participants in a fixed way. i.e, every 3rd person through the door..
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Stratified Sampling
Selecting participants so they represent proportionaltly the target poppulation. i.e if a classroom has a 40/60 split on males and females, the proprtions must be the same in the experiment.
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A relativley permanent change in behavour due to experience.
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Unconditional Responce (UCR)
Automatic behavour that we cant control.
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Unconditional Stimulus (UCS)
Anything that causes an UCR
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Conditional Stimulus (CS)
The stimulus that is presented with the UCS
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Conditioined Responce (CR)
The responce produced by the CS
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Positive Reinforcement
Leads to a behavour being repeated because the consequences of the behavour have been positive.
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Negative Reinforcement
Strengthens the behavour because it makes the unpleasent consequence dissapear.
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A consequence of the behavour to waeken it and less likely to be repeated.
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A change in belief or behavour due to a real or imagined group pressure.
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Normative Socail Influence
We want to be liked by others in group and feel liked and accepted.
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Informational Social Influence
Looking for others reactions to an ambiguous sittuation.
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Someone who is in on the experiment but pretends to be a participant.
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Following an order, instruction or command from a figure of authority.
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Social Loafing
When people put less effort into a task thats being performed with others.
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The loss of responsibility that occurs when in a group.
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Bystander Behavour
Bystander apathy and bystander intervention.
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Bystander Apathy
When i bystander does not help a person in need.
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Bystander Intervention
When a bystander does help a person in need.
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Diffusion of Responsibility
The more bystanders there are the less likely that one will help.
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Pluralistic Ignorance
When each bystander does not react and therefore misleads others into thinking there is no need to react.
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The biological aspect of a person.
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Sex Identity
The biological status you are.
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The psychological and cultural aspect of being male or female.
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Gender identity
The gender in which we feel we are.
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Retrospective Behavour
Data obtained from a persons memory.
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Case Study
A detailed study of an individual.
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Anti social behavour which generally hurts or harms others.
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Other cards in this set

Card 2


Information is changed or encoded so that it can be stored.



Card 3


Accessing or retrieving the information from storage.


Preview of the back of card 3

Card 4


How much information can be stored.


Preview of the back of card 4

Card 5


How long information can stay in the memory.


Preview of the back of card 5
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