Defence against diseases

  • Created by: korin
  • Created on: 10-05-13 22:09
What are the three types of pathogens?
Bacteria, virus and fungi
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How do Bacteria and viruses infect you?
Bacterium produce toxins. Viruses go inside a body cell and reproduce, they will make so much resulting in the cell bursting.
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How do white blood cells defend?
Ingest the pathogens, produce antibodies and produce antitoxins.
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Explain the process of ingesting?
The white blood cell approaches the bacteria, engulfs it and when it is ingested it release enzymes which digest the bacteria.
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Explain how antibodies provide defence?
The antibodies are produced from the white blood cell and the antibodies attach their self to the antigens on the bacteria and destroy it.
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Explain how antitoxins provide defence?
White blood cell produces antitoxins and the antitoxins make the toxins harmless.
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How does immunisation work?
Dead pathogens are injected in to the body, the white blood cell recognises the pathogen and produces antibodies for it. In the future the white blood cell can produce antibodies for that specific pathogen very quickly.
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What is the advantage of having more people vaccinated?
The disease is harder to spread.
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Who came up with the idea of washing hands in hospitals?
Ignaz Semmelweis
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What is the difference between Pain killers and antibiotics?
Pain killers eliminate the symptoms. Antibiotics eliminate the symptoms and kill the pathogens.
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How does antibiotic resistance occur?
Overuse of antibiotics.
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What causes the antibiotic resistance?
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How do we culture micro-organisms?
1) Sterilise the agar and the petri dish 2)Transfer microbe using inoculating loop,but first sterilise it and let it cool. then pick up microbe with loop and put in agar make criss cross lines. 3)put lid on petri dish and seal with tape.
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What is the technique of culturing micro-organisms called?
Aseptic technique
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Other cards in this set

Card 2


How do Bacteria and viruses infect you?


Bacterium produce toxins. Viruses go inside a body cell and reproduce, they will make so much resulting in the cell bursting.

Card 3


How do white blood cells defend?


Preview of the front of card 3

Card 4


Explain the process of ingesting?


Preview of the front of card 4

Card 5


Explain how antibodies provide defence?


Preview of the front of card 5
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