Culturing microorganisms on an industrial scale

What are primary metabolites?
Substances that are formed as an essential part of the normal functioning of microorganisms
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What are secondary metabolites?
Substances produced by organisms that arent essential for normal growth but are still used by cells, e.g. pigments
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What is a bioreactor?
A reaction vessel used to contain the microorganisms as they grow on a large scale, controlling environment etc
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What is batch fermentation?
Bacteria inoculated into fixed volume of medium, growth occurs and nutrients used up and waste products build up, at stationary phase the MO's produce desired end products and process is stopped before death phase, products harvested, system cleaned
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What is continuous fermentation?
MO's inoculated into sterile nutrient environment, sterile nutrient medium is added continually once it reaches exponential growth, broth is continually removed (removing things like waste etc and harvesting products), volume in bioreactor constant
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Why is it important to control the environment in the bioreactor?
To ensure maximum yield of product
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Name some factors which need to be controlled
Temperature, nutrients and oxygen, mixing and asepsis
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To keep enzymes working at optimum, temperature sensors in bioreactor helps regulate temperature using a negative feedback system
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Nutrients and oxygen
Added in controlled amounts, probes and sample tests used to indicate when levels are dropping
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The mixtures can be quite thick due to microorganism growth, diffusion doesnt happen as easily due to this so not all the mixture has the same amounts of nutrients oxygen and temperature, mixing it helps maintain an equal level of these throughout
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If bioprocess is contaminated it can affect the yield massively, keeping it sterilised ensures this doesnt happen
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Other cards in this set

Card 2


What are secondary metabolites?


Substances produced by organisms that arent essential for normal growth but are still used by cells, e.g. pigments

Card 3


What is a bioreactor?


Preview of the front of card 3

Card 4


What is batch fermentation?


Preview of the front of card 4

Card 5


What is continuous fermentation?


Preview of the front of card 5
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