Culture 1

What is culture?
Shared norms and values among people in society. Can be portrayed through food, fashion, norms etc.
1 of 10
Give a sociologist related to culture
Bourdieuv (1984).
Argues that the only distinction between high and popular culture lies in the power of the people who can access it.
2 of 10
What is a subculture?
'A culture within a culture'
Smaller group of people who share the same norms and values who group together.
3 of 10
What is cultural diversity?
Where many different cultures live among one another in the same society.
4 of 10
Give a sociologist related to cultural diversity
McLuhan (1964).
Even as far back as the 1960's the world has become a smaller place- we live in a 'global village'.
5 of 10
What is cultural hybridity?
Where two cultures mix.
It can be seen best through fashion, food and music.
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What sociologist is associated with youth subcultures/cultural hybridity?
Nayak (2003)
States the idea of 'white wannabies'.
Young British males taking on aspects of Black Caribbean identities in terms of music and fashion.
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What is high culture?
Culture shared by the elite in society. Mackintosh and Mooney state this idea of 'invisibility' among the elite in society.
8 of 10
What is Popular Culture?
Culture shared by most people in society.
9 of 10
What is consumer culture?
The possession of consumer goods and the normalising of getting into debt.
10 of 10

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Card 2


Give a sociologist related to culture


Bourdieuv (1984).
Argues that the only distinction between high and popular culture lies in the power of the people who can access it.

Card 3


What is a subculture?


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Card 4


What is cultural diversity?


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Card 5


Give a sociologist related to cultural diversity


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