CS Paper 1

sequence of steps followed by computer to complete a task
1 of 14
Process of breaking down problems into sub-problems so that each sub problems can accomplish an identifiable task
2 of 14
Process of removing unnecessary details from a problem
3 of 14
a data structure that holds value that can be shown by a single identifier
4 of 14
Linear search
1. Inspect FIRST item in array
2. Compare to search
3. Stop if search = found
3. Repeat until match/ end of array
5 of 14
Adv of Linear
1. Less memory
2. Doesn't need to be in order
6 of 14
Binary Search
1. identify low and high value
2. identify mid value (low + high / 2)
3. compare mid to search
4. if mid > search : high = mid - 1
5. if mid < search : low = mid + 1
7 of 14
Adv of Binary
1. More time efficient
but needs to be in order and requires more memory
8 of 14
Bubble sort
1. Compare first item to second item
2. swap if first is bigger than second
3. Repeat n-1 times and n items have been compared
4. Repeat n - 1 times until in order
9 of 14
Adv of bubble sort
1. less memory
but less efficient
10 of 14
Merge sort
1. List is divided into lists
2. each sublist is half the length of org list
3. subdivision process continues until length of sublist is 1.
4. sublists are compared
5. merged
6. providing one sorted list in order
11 of 14
Adv of Merge sort
1. time efficient
but requires more memory
12 of 14
Subroutine advantages
1. easier to debug and spot errors
2. easier to read and understand
3. use of interface (parameters, return value and subroutine name)
4. produced independently
13 of 14
local variable
1. easier to debug
2. only executed within the subroutine
3. memory efficient
14 of 14

Other cards in this set

Card 2




Process of breaking down problems into sub-problems so that each sub problems can accomplish an identifiable task

Card 3




Preview of the front of card 3

Card 4




Preview of the front of card 4

Card 5


Linear search


Preview of the front of card 5
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