Criminology unit 4: AC 3.4 Evaluation of agencies in achieving social control

What are the strengths for the police?
- offences of public concern
-specialised policing
1 of 8
What are the limitations for the police?
-inefficiency and incompetence
-racism and bias
2 of 8
What are the strengths for the CPS?
- Good rate of conviction
3 of 8
What are the limitations for the CPS
- Handling of **** cases
-full code test
- budget cuts
-evidence disclosure
4 of 8
What are the stregths of the prison service?
-Incentive earned priviledges
5 of 8
what are the limitations to the prison service?
- staff cuts
- drug epidemic
- security
-after release
6 of 8
what are the strengths of the probation service?
- national probation service- more successful than CRC's and half re-offending rate of prisons
7 of 8
what are the limitations of the probation service?
- Privitisation (aims)- 19/21 companies failed to meet their targets, extra 432 mil
-Privisation (WP) - telephone meetings, meetings in open spaces
-Privitisation (protection)- inadequate protection of DA victims from abusers after release
- National prob
8 of 8

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Card 2


What are the limitations for the police?


-inefficiency and incompetence
-racism and bias

Card 3


What are the strengths for the CPS?


Preview of the front of card 3

Card 4


What are the limitations for the CPS


Preview of the front of card 4

Card 5


What are the stregths of the prison service?


Preview of the front of card 5
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