Crime and Deviance p4

  • Created by: India JJ
  • Created on: 08-05-18 17:26
Heidensoh explained women restricted involvement with crime with what conecpt
control theory
1 of 10
What is the nanem of the concept that suggests as women become liberated their crimes will become more extreme
Liberation thesis
2 of 10
Pollak suggests that crime rates for women are low because men want to protect women from punishment in what concept
Chivalry Thesis
3 of 10
What sociologist suggests courts are harsher on women when they deviate from gender norms with e.g. promiscuity etc
4 of 10
parsons suggests that more men commit crime as part of compensatory compulsory masculinity due to an overwhelming feminine socialisation in what concept
Sex Role Theory
5 of 10
Phillips and Bowling found that white victims over identify who?
Black people
6 of 10
The MacPherson report uncovered what in the metropolitan police force
institutionalised racism
7 of 10
Hall et al explains how the moral panic over black muggers benefits capitalism by dividing who
Working class
8 of 10
Term when people are victimised due to their race, religion or ethinicity
racist victimisation
9 of 10
Surette notes that media rpresentations of crime follows the law of
10 of 10

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Card 2


What is the nanem of the concept that suggests as women become liberated their crimes will become more extreme


Liberation thesis

Card 3


Pollak suggests that crime rates for women are low because men want to protect women from punishment in what concept


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Card 4


What sociologist suggests courts are harsher on women when they deviate from gender norms with e.g. promiscuity etc


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Card 5


parsons suggests that more men commit crime as part of compensatory compulsory masculinity due to an overwhelming feminine socialisation in what concept


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