Court of appeal

  • Created by: Nicole
  • Created on: 30-11-12 18:09
How many cases can the Court of Appeal deal with a day?
Up to four
1 of 6
How many divisions does the court have? What are they?
2, Civil and criminal
2 of 6
What three Courts is the Court of Appeal bound by?
supreme court, European court of justice, European court of human rights.
3 of 6
Does it bind any lower courts?
all lower courts to its precedent.
4 of 6
Does it bind itself to precedent?
the court of appeal must follow its own precedent
5 of 6
what does per incuriam mean?
through lack of care
6 of 6

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Card 2


How many divisions does the court have? What are they?


2, Civil and criminal

Card 3


What three Courts is the Court of Appeal bound by?


Preview of the front of card 3

Card 4


Does it bind any lower courts?


Preview of the front of card 4

Card 5


Does it bind itself to precedent?


Preview of the front of card 5
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