Core Studies - Loftus and Palmer

Brief Q&A about Loftus and Palmer's study of leading questions and their affect on memory. Not all revision material included, but should help revision of basics!

  • Created by: Megan
  • Created on: 29-04-13 19:02
What was the aim of L&P's study?
To investigate the effect of leading questions on eyewitness testimonies
1 of 10
Give one hypothesis relating to L&P's study
A greater number of students in the 'collided' condition will report broken glass than those in the 'hit' condition
2 of 10
Give information on the sample of L&P's study
195 (in total) students from Washington University took part in the study, (45 in first study, 150 in second study); opportunity sample
3 of 10
What were the IV and DV's in L&P's study?
IV - verb choice, 'smashed', 'hit', 'bumped'; DV - 1) estimate of speed, 2) report of broken glass
4 of 10
What kind of experimental design was used in L&P's study?
Independent measures design
5 of 10
What research method was used in L&P's study?
Lab experiment
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Give 2 results from L&P's study
1) The mean estimate of speed by participants in the 'smashed' condition was 40.8mph; 2) A greater number of participants in this condition reported broken glass (16/50 vs. 7/50 in hit condition)
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Give one conclusion of L&P's study
Leading questions can alter memory - there is evidence of confabulation
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Give 2 strengths of L&P's study
1) Experiment - establishes cause and effect; 2) Lab - controlled environment, no confounding variables
9 of 10
Give 2 weaknesses of L&P's study
1) Low ecological validity - not realistic setting; 2) Students as sample - not representative
10 of 10

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Card 2


Give one hypothesis relating to L&P's study


A greater number of students in the 'collided' condition will report broken glass than those in the 'hit' condition

Card 3


Give information on the sample of L&P's study


Preview of the front of card 3

Card 4


What were the IV and DV's in L&P's study?


Preview of the front of card 4

Card 5


What kind of experimental design was used in L&P's study?


Preview of the front of card 5
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this really helped thank you :p

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