Contraception and infertility B11

What do oral contraceptives do?
Name an advantage and a disadvantage of the pill
They contain hormones which prevent the body from producing FSH, so it prevents any eggs from maturing
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Name an advantage and three disadvantage of oral contraceptives eg pill
Highly effective if taken correctly

Must be taken everyday
Small risk of side effects eg breast cancer/blood clots
Do not protect agains STIs
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How do implants, skin patches and injections work as contraception?
They contain progesterone, which stops eggs from maturing or being released
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Name an advantage and two disadvantage of implants, skin patches and injections
More convenient than taking a daily pill (they last for a number of months/years

May have side effects
Do not protect agains STIs
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How does a barrier method of contraception work?
eg condoms/diaphragms
These prevent the sperm from reaching the egg
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Name three advantages and one disadvantage of barrier methods
Effective if used correctly
No side effects as they don't use hormones
Condoms can reduce risk of STIs

Condoms can slip or break off
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How can condoms and diaphragms be made more effective?
By using them with a spermicide gel
Spermicides kill/disable sperm
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How does an intrauterine device/IUD (coil) as contraception work?
These can prevent an embryo from implanting.
Some also release hormones to reduce chances of fertilisation.
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Name three advantages and one disadvantage of barrier methods
Highly effective
Can prevent pregnancy for up to ten years
Very few side effects

Does not protect agains STIs
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How do surgical methods of contraception (sterilisation) work?
Women- prevents egg from reaching uterus
Men-prevents sperm leaving penis
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Name one advantage and two disadvantages of sterilisation
Highly effective

Difficult to reverse (so decide that you never want children before going ahead)
Do not protect against STIs
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Two disadvantages of abstaining from sexual intercourse when ovulating as contraception
Difficult to tell when a woman is ovulating
Does not protect against STIs
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Why can issues around contraception not be answered by science alone?
-Catholic Church believes contraception (except natural methods) is unethical
-Other people believe it is persons right to choose which form of contraception is best for them
-People point out that condoms ↓ risk of STIs
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How does 'fertility drug' treatment work to treat infertility?
FSH and LH is given to a women, which causes the woman to ovulation more than usual. This increases her chances of becoming pregnant through sexual intercouse
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What is in vitro fertilisation treatment (IVF)?
-Mother is given FSH + LH so several eggs mature
-These eggs are collected from mother
-Sperm from father collect, eggs fertilised in lab
-Fertilised eggs develop into embryos
-Once embryos = tiny ball of cells, they are inserted into mothers uterus
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Three issues with IVF for parents
-Success rates are not high
-Emotionally stressful for parents/ physically demanding for mother
-Can lead to multiple births which is risky to both babies and mother
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Other issues with IVF
-Not all created embryos transfer into mother (waste embryos/potential lives)
-Expensive, some people think this money could be spent on other medical issues
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Other cards in this set

Card 2


Name an advantage and three disadvantage of oral contraceptives eg pill


Highly effective if taken correctly

Must be taken everyday
Small risk of side effects eg breast cancer/blood clots
Do not protect agains STIs

Card 3


How do implants, skin patches and injections work as contraception?


Preview of the front of card 3

Card 4


Name an advantage and two disadvantage of implants, skin patches and injections


Preview of the front of card 4

Card 5


How does a barrier method of contraception work?


Preview of the front of card 5
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