computing spreedsheets

why do we use spreadsheets?
they can store information and data . once the information is in there we can do big calculations, make graphs and charts and anylise patterns
1 of 6
what are the uses of spreedsheets?
budget tracker
stock tracking of a buisness
money use in a buisness
teachers to record students grades
2 of 6
what is a cell reference?
a cell refference is the unique name given to a cell
E.g. E4
3 of 6
what is an absoulute cell reference?
it ensures that one cell always remains constant even when autofill is used
E.g. $E$4
4 of 6
what does sorting data do ?
It organises it in a specific way E.g. alphebetically
5 of 6
what does filtering data do?
it makes it easy to find one specific peice of data
6 of 6

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Card 2


what are the uses of spreedsheets?


budget tracker
stock tracking of a buisness
money use in a buisness
teachers to record students grades

Card 3


what is a cell reference?


Preview of the front of card 3

Card 4


what is an absoulute cell reference?


Preview of the front of card 4

Card 5


what does sorting data do ?


Preview of the front of card 5
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