Computer Science Unit 3 - Binary numbers

What is our standard number system known as?
Decimal, denary or base-10
1 of 12
What are the 2 digits in binary? What do we call them?
1 and 0 (base-2)
2 of 12
What order do we read the place values?
Right to Left
3 of 12
What power does it increase by?
powers of 2
4 of 12
8-bit numbers represent the decimal numbers...
0 to 255
5 of 12
16-bit numbers represent the decimal numbers...
0 to 65 535
6 of 12
32-bit numbers represent the decimal numbers...
0 to 4 294 967 295
7 of 12
What is the answer to this sum in Binary? 1 + 1
8 of 12
What is a binary shift also known as?
A logical shift
9 of 12
What does a binary shift move?
Every bit in a binary number left or right a certain number of places
10 of 12
Left shift ? a binary number
11 of 12
Right shift ? a binary number
12 of 12

Other cards in this set

Card 2


What are the 2 digits in binary? What do we call them?


1 and 0 (base-2)

Card 3


What order do we read the place values?


Preview of the front of card 3

Card 4


What power does it increase by?


Preview of the front of card 4

Card 5


8-bit numbers represent the decimal numbers...


Preview of the front of card 5
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