Compression, Sound, Images

How does Lossy Compression work?
It produces a close match of the data after decompression whereas lossless creates exact original data.
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How does Lossless Compression work?
The size of the file is reduced without sacrificing image quality. Unlike lossy, it doesn't lose any data from the file
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Advantages of Compression
1)Require less storage. 2)Data transmission time is faster. 3)Communication bandwidth
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Disadvantages of Compression
1)Results in loss of quality 2)Bandwidth is limited 3)Unknown bite and pixel relationship
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What is RLE?
It is a simple method of compressing data by specifying the number of times character or pixels colour repeats followed by the value of the character or pixel.
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Examples of Lossy things
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What is dictionary coding?
Dictionary coding is another form of lossless compression which looks to replace the file's data with a reference to what the data is.
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What is sampling?
Sampling is simply recording snippets of sound at set intervals
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Why is a fast sampling rate beneficial?
As it reduces the size of gaps between each sound recordings
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What it bit rate?
The number of bits stored per sample
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An example of how to calculate bit rate
(320,000 x 180) / 8 = 7.2 mb
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How to calculate bit rate
(Bits per second x Number of seconds it was recorded for) / 8 = Bytes
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What does Metadata do?
It tells the computer how to split up the binary values and how quickly they need to be played back
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What are bitmaps?
Bitmap images are made up of rows of dots called pixels. Each pixel is represented by a binary number.
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8 bit colour
The byte represents 256 colors
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Higher DPI means?
Higher resolution which in turn means a more defined image
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Other cards in this set

Card 2


How does Lossless Compression work?


The size of the file is reduced without sacrificing image quality. Unlike lossy, it doesn't lose any data from the file

Card 3


Advantages of Compression


Preview of the front of card 3

Card 4


Disadvantages of Compression


Preview of the front of card 4

Card 5


What is RLE?


Preview of the front of card 5
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