Computer Science (0984) 2023 - 1 Data Representation 1-2

  • Created by: Twitsed
  • Created on: 24-03-23 12:31

1-2 Text, Sound and Images

1-2-1 Understand how and why a computer represents text and the use of character sets, including  American standard code for information interchange (ASCII) and Unicode.

    • Text is converted to binary to be processed by a computer
    • Unicode allows for a greater range of characters and symbols than ASCII, including different languages and emojis 
    • Unicode requires more bits per character than ASCII

1-2-2 Understand how and why a computer represents sound, including the effects of the sample rate and sample resolution

    • A sound wave is sampled for sound to…




Computer Science offers an exciting realm of knowledge that goes beyond just programming. It empowers students with critical thinking skills and problem-solving abilities. Through home assignments, students get hands-on experience, applying concepts to real-world scenarios. Moreover, an essay on climate change highlights the interdisciplinary nature of Computer Science. It showcases how algorithms, data analysis, and machine learning can aid in understanding and combating this global essay. As technology continues to evolve, Computer Science becomes indispensable in tackling the challenges of our time, making it an invaluable field of study for the future.