Combined Science Physics P3 - Density of Materials

What is density?
The compactness of a substance
1 of 8
What two factors are related in density?
It relates the mass of a substance to how much space it takes up
2 of 8
What are the units of density?
kg/m^3 (mas = kg and volume = m^3) or g/cm^3. 1 g/cm^3 =1000 kg/m^3
3 of 8
What is the equation for density?
Density = mass/volume
4 of 8
What does the density of an object depend on?
What the object is made of ad how its particles are arranged
5 of 8
What is the particle arrangement in a dense material?
The particles are packed tightly together
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What is the particle arrangement in a less dense material?
The particles are more spread out. However, if you compressed the material, its particles would move closer together and it would become more dense (because its volume is decreasing)
7 of 8
How does density vary between states of matter?
Solids = generally denser than liquids. Gases = generally less dense than liquids
8 of 8

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Card 2


It relates the mass of a substance to how much space it takes up


What two factors are related in density?

Card 3


kg/m^3 (mas = kg and volume = m^3) or g/cm^3. 1 g/cm^3 =1000 kg/m^3


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Card 4


Density = mass/volume


Preview of the back of card 4

Card 5


What the object is made of ad how its particles are arranged


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