Cognitive Behavioural Therapy

What did Beck believe?
That people were capable of understanding and changing themselves on a conscious level
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Briefly describe the cognitive triad
Thoughts and beliefs shape our feelings which then influences our behaviour, this in turn influences the way people treat us and this comes full circle and backs up our thoughts and beliefs
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What does CBT consist of?
Therapist identify patients negative thoughts and they work together to investigate these whilst the therapist challenges the automatic negative thinking and offers alternative ways of thinking, homeworks are set putting thought to the test
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Clearly structured so progress can be monitored, Hollon found it performs well in controlled environments, at least as effective as drugs, less relapse, quick and cheap, free on NHS
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Blames person for disorder, ethical implications, relies on self-report data (demand characteristics and social desirability bias), reductionist, focuses too much on cognitions
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Card 2


Briefly describe the cognitive triad


Thoughts and beliefs shape our feelings which then influences our behaviour, this in turn influences the way people treat us and this comes full circle and backs up our thoughts and beliefs

Card 3


What does CBT consist of?


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Card 4




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Card 5




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