clincial biochem 2- u and e

  • Created by: anna888
  • Created on: 30-01-23 15:50
what is normal gfr
1 of 16
what is normal urine output
1-2l in 24hrs
2 of 16
why is crcl used as measurement of kidney function
100% of creatine cleared from kidney, used as proxy for gfr
3 of 16
where is creatinine produced
muscle breakdown product
4 of 16
whats cockcroft gault equ
crcl= (140-age) x weight x (1.23male/1.04female) divided by srcr
5 of 16
what are the parameters
50-20 is mild impairment, 20-10 is moderate less than 10 is severe
6 of 16
stage 5 kideny failure gfr?
less than 15
7 of 16
what is normal urea levels, what is main excretion in urea, what does high urea mean
2.5-6.6mmol, nitrogen, dehydration
8 of 16
what are normal potassium serum levels
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roles and location of potassium
found mainly intracellular but largerly availbale for exchange, influences membrane potential, obtaind from diet and kidney reabsorbtion
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what are hypokalaemia levels and what are the clincial manifestations of this
less than 3.5mmol/l, ecg chnages, drowsy,cramps
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what are hyperkalaemia levels and clincal manifestations
greater than 6.5mmol/l, ecg changes, ventricular fibrlation, death
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describe soudium uses and where is it found
influences membrane potentials, less available for exchange than potassium, rest stored in bones
13 of 16
what are hyponatraemia levels and what is it caused by and manifestations
less than 135mmol/l, excess of water compared to na and kdiney has impaired abaility to excrete dilute urine, confusion, seizures, cerebral oedema
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what are hypernatraemia levels, what is it caused by and what are the clinical manifesations
greater than 145mmol/l. excess of na compared to water, impaired thirst mechansims eg via drugs
15 of 16
what is normal protien loss levels
less than 150 mg/day
16 of 16

Other cards in this set

Card 2


what is normal urine output


1-2l in 24hrs

Card 3


why is crcl used as measurement of kidney function


Preview of the front of card 3

Card 4


where is creatinine produced


Preview of the front of card 4

Card 5


whats cockcroft gault equ


Preview of the front of card 5
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