Classical Liberalism


1. What were JS Mill's ideas?

  • Free market and free trade for freedom, no property qualifications for MPs, limited government interference, votes for all men.
  • Equal voting for men, harm principle, happiness tied to property ownership.
  • Freedom is a basic right, happiness was not just about property but also values, and the harm principle.
  • Votes for men and women, representative government, freedom for all a basic right.
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2. What did Thomas Hobbes say that natural rights entailed?

  • Life and liberty, pursuit of happiness, avoidance of pain, property ownership.
  • Life and liberty, private property, small government, right to vote.
  • Right to vote, freedom from harm, small government, pursuit of happiness.
  • Representative government, life and liberty, government by consent, democratic elections.

3. What did Herbert Spencer believe about humans?

  • That, like Darwin's theory, all who adapted best to society would survive.
  • Government should interfere with people to create equality for everyone.
  • That all humans should have the right to vote, including women.
  • That the free market and free trade would lead to freedom for people.

4. Who developed the idea of utilitarianism (the greatest good for the greatest number)?

  • JS Mill
  • Mary Wollstonecraft
  • Jeremy Bentham
  • Thomas Paine

5. What are the key features of classical liberalism?

  • Individual most important feature of society, constitutionalism.
  • Individual liberty, government by consent, free market is essential to maximise wealth, minimal state intervention, natural inequality.
  • Collectivism, government by consent, free market is essential to maximise wealth, large state intervention, natural inequality
  • Individual liberty, government by consent, free market is essential to maximise wealth, minimal state intervention, natural inequality, votes for all men


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