Civil Courts

  • Created by: shadia
  • Created on: 10-05-13 18:10
What cases are heard in the High Court?
QBD: Tort cases oer $50'000 and contract cases over £25'000. Family:Defended divorce,adoption and care issues. Chancery: Copywright and Bankrupcy
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What cases are heard in the County Court?
Undefended divorces, bankrupcy under £50'000 and landlord and tenant disputes.
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What are the damage to property and money loss claims dealt with in the county court?
less than £25'000
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What are the damage to property and money loss claims dealt with in the high court?
more than £25'000
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What are the personal injury claims dealt with in the county court?
less than £50'000
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What are the personal injury claims dealt with in the high court?
more than £50'000
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How was the track system devised?
Lord Woolfe was asked to examine the state of the civil courts. He produced the Acess to Justice Report 1996, from that he produced the procedural act 1997 and from that he produced the Procedural rules 1999. This outlines the track system.
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Small Claims Track?
Claims of under £5'000.Quick and informal procedure, no lawyer needed. District Judge.
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Fast Track?
Claims of £5'000 - £25'000.Strict 30 week timetable with only 1 day for the court hearing.Circuit Judge.
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Multi Track?
Claims of over £25'000. Allows for time for complex and time consuming cases.Circuit or High Court Judge.
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Appeal Routes from the county court?
cases heard by district judges> appeals heard by circuit judge. cases heard by circuit judges>appeals heard by high court judge
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Appeal Routes from the High Court?
QBD > Court of Appeal > Supreme Court. Also leap frog procedure if appealing on a point of law.
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Advantages of the Small Claims Court?
- District judges are helpful -Costs are low -Quick -No lawyers required -If you lose don't have to pay other persons costs.
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Disadvantages of the Small Claims Court?
- District judges are not always helpful -If you require a lawyer legal funding not available - No gurantee if you win you will recieve the money -Claims over £1000,have to pay a £100 allocation fee
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Card 2


What cases are heard in the County Court?


Undefended divorces, bankrupcy under £50'000 and landlord and tenant disputes.

Card 3


What are the damage to property and money loss claims dealt with in the county court?


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Card 4


What are the damage to property and money loss claims dealt with in the high court?


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Card 5


What are the personal injury claims dealt with in the county court?


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